The Vatican and ET Life; Why Now?
The Vatican is now seriously researching this question. Why now?
I believe either the Vatican will be instrumental in setting up the Antichrist and the False prophet and perhaps the actual False Prophet will be the Pope himself who will promote an Islamic Antichrist. And before this event takes place very soon the church, the true church of Christ will be raptured, taken up to be with Christ at the marriage supper of the Lamb.
After this shocking event takes place, I believe the Vatican backed up by world renowned scientists will immediately step in with all the answers the world will by then be desperately searching for. Yes, Rome will have all the answers, example: UFO's took them etc.
Published on Nov 14, 2013
BEFORE you begin reading any of the links, understand that we are
"JUST THE REPORTERS" the vatican is the one announcing dates and FAKE Miracles, we're just the ones reporting it to you. This is now going to be posted on all of our videos for future reference. **************************************** RIGHTS TO HAVE AN OPINION this video in it's entirety is posing a question due to the fact we are bringing some interesting evidence to the table. We're not date setting, but simply trying to put pieces together that prove the end is near. We now have to express rights to our opinions because there are now govt shills trying their best to debunk every question asked and every bit of truth. Therefore we have added links within the article for you to do your own research. **************************************** Way back in JUNE OF 2013 the Vatican announced a miracle was going happen to Pope John Paul II on Nov 24 2013 KEEP IN MIND ISRAEL SOLD JERUSALEM TO THE VATICAN AND THEY WILL TAKE FULL OWNERSHIP OF JERUSALEM AND THE LAST SUPPER ROOM THIS DECEMBER AT SOME POINT The Vatican is going to declare the cloud of resurrection was a UFO that resurrected JESUS. MORE LIES LIES LIES... Here are 2 links for proof!!! Never thought I would see this in the news!!! CHECK OUT WHAT WE FOUND THAT JUST MIGHT BE COMING TRUE SOON ENOUGH THE VATICAN TO ANNOUNCE THE RESURRECTION OF POPE JOHN PAUL II THE ALIEN JESUS Pope francis super secret conclave. JESUS CHRIST is an alien during Last supper. Someone leaked it online. Remember back when the Vatican said they would "baptize an alien"? Even the U.S. Miltary now has a "RED BOOK" on how humans came to earth. It is a full blown lie stating that Jesus is an alien being and that the evolution theory is the truth. But the U.S. military has also joined the vatican's lies and blasphemy. SEE HERE. THE U.S. ARMY SAYS "JESUS WAS A NORMAL HUMAN BEING THAT NEEDS TO BE KILLED AGAIN". They claim..."He was just like Buddha, Mohammed ghandi, martin luther king jr." U.S. Army veterans believe JESUS is an alien shapeshifter POPE FRANCIS CLAIMS PRINCE WiLLiAM IS THE FINAL ANTICHRIST. Don't believe me ???? SEE THIS LINK HERE IMMEDIATELY. DATED MARCH 31 2013 SEE FOR YOURSELF HERE Who can debunk this link above??? Step up. I dare you to try. This link comes DIRECTLY from the Vatican and it is calling Pope John Paul II PETER THE ROMAN, IT IS ALSO CALLING HIM PETRUS ROMANUS AND JESUS CHRIST ALL IN THE SAME DOCUMENT NO ONE ON EARTH CAN SAY THIS IS A LIE, BECAUSE IT COMES DIRECTLY FROM THE HORSES MOUTH. I TOLD YOU!! THE BIBLE DOES NOT LIE. revelation 17:8 and 10 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
Please ask God to reveal these things
to you. Also, I found a great article from Omega Letter discussing the same thing.
The Omega Letter Intelligence Digest
Vol: 139 Issue: 8 - Monday, April 08, 2013 | |
E.T. Phone Rome? The Vatican is hosting experts in the fields of physics, biology and astronomy to discuss the newly-developing study of astrobiology. (Think of it as an advanced form of evolutionary theory in which scientists hypothesize about the origin of extra-terrestrial life). In case you were concerned that maybe somebody discovered extra-terrestrial life whose origins could be studied and maybe you missed it, don't worry. You didn't. This is the study of evolution. The fact something hasn't been proved to exist presents no barrier to inventing an explanation for it. Many of the exhibits in natural history museums are of creatures that evolutionary scientists claim existed before the development of man. They are recreated in minute detail -- only nobody ever saw one. We have no idea what they looked like, let alone how they got there or where they went. The solidest science we have concernng evolution boils down to an educated guess that would blow up completely in the face of actual evidence to the contrary. But human arrogance being what it is, the less we know, the more we replace the question marks with educated guesses that eventually become accepted as fact. Questions like "Who are we?" and "Where did we come from?" and "Are we alone in the universe?" have been asked and answered throughout history. The questions remain the same, but the answers are only as reliable as the next credible guess or the first piece of irrefutable contradictory evidence. The problem with answering the question through science is that science has to begin after the beginning and pretend that they didn't. Take the Big Bang Theory. It begins with the Big Bang explosion that was responsible for the creation of the Universe. But it can't explain into what the Universe exploded. What was there before the Universe exploded into existence? What contains the Universe now? Who set off the explosion? How did solid matter come into existence out of nothing? Science can only explain it from the "KABOOM" forward. Why? Because it is beyond man's capacity to imagine that which does not exist. One cannot imagine a new prime color for the rainbow because none exist. Man cannot imagine what came before the Big Bang because man cannot imagine non-existence. Non-existence is the absence of the physical. Nobody alive has ever existed outside the physical world (with one notable Exception). There is only one scientific explanation for non-existence. It's called non-existence -- because that's about as far as our understanding can go with it. If it exists, we can describe it, think about it, visualize it, try to explain it, by using terms relative to our own existential experience. We can imagine pink elephants because elephants exist and pink exists. We can imagine ET by injecting ET into our our existence. The hunt for ET is a hunt for life as we understand it. Most scientists are looking for things like water and single-celled life forms. But the Vatican conference is taking it to the next level. Thirty scientists, including non-Catholics, from the U.S., France, Britain, Switzerland, Italy and Chile attended the conference, called to explore among other issues "whether sentient life forms exist on other worlds." According to an AP report: In an interview last year, Rev. Funes told the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano that believing the universe may host aliens, even intelligent ones, does not contradict a faith in God.The idea that we're not alone in the universe is not without considerable support. One cannot ignore the tens of thousands of eyewitness accounts of UFO's, including thousands of hours of video footage of what appear to be aircraft unlike anything that exists on earth. But all that these reams of evidence actually prove is that the objects are unidentified. In a weird sort of way, the harder they are to identify, the more convincing the premise that they are extra-terrestrial. It is a form of "knowledge" in which the less we actually knowabout the phenomenon, the more we think we do. The Big Bang is all about what we don't know triggering what we claim to understand perfectly. The Vatican's conference is all about developing a doctrinal and scientific understanding of what we can't even identify. The only credible source for answers to questions like Who are we?" and "Where did we come from?" and "Are we alone in the universe?" would be one working from the perspective of personal knowledge, not from the absence of any knowledge whatsoever. So it seems more than a little odd that the Vatican would turn from the Bible, which answers all three of these questions, to the scientists whose efforts to answer any them simply raises additional unanswerable questions. Assessment: One of the earliest descriptions ever recorded of a UFO reads this way: "I saw a great storm coming from the north, driving before it a huge cloud that flashed with lightning and shone with brilliant light. There was fire inside the cloud, and in the middle of the fire glowed something like gleaming amber. . . As I looked at these beings, I saw four wheels touching the ground beside them, one wheel belonging to each. The wheels sparkled as if made of beryl. All four wheels looked alike and were made the same; each wheel had a second wheel turning crosswise within it. The beings could move in any of the four directions they faced, without turning as they moved. The rims of the four wheels were tall and frightening, and they were covered with eyes all around. - Ezekiel 1:4-7, 15-18 (NLT)What Ezekiel was describing were four angels -- the cherubim that stand guard around God's Throne. The wheels within wheels, the ability to defy the rules of gravity, the impossible speeds, the rims of the wheels encircled with eyes . does it sound familiar? The fact the Vatican would turn from the Bible to science for answers to existential questions is simultaneously stunning, yet somehow unsurprising. The Vatican has been the number one choice of Bible scholars throughout history as the probable host of the religion of the False Prophet during the Tribulation. According to Revelation 13, the False Prophet is pictured has having two horns like a lamb, but who speaks as a dragon, clearly symbolizing a kind of counterfeit Christianity espousing a Satanic form of doctrine. A doctrine that finds no conflict between theology and the belief in the evolution of extra-terrestrial life is not Biblical. The entire theme of Scripture posits man as a unique creation of God. The earth is presented as the dwelling place of Satan and his angels. In this setting, Satan's rebellion, ie, "I will be like the Most High" is permitted to play out to its logical conclusion. Satan wanted to rule and be worshipped -- God permits it within the closed environment of earth to prevent sin from escaping into and corrupting the universe. The ultimate purpose is to demonstrate that God's judgement against sin as the ultimate corruptor of all creation was justified. The secondary purpose was to allow mankind to choose whether to embrace or reject fellowship with God. The introduction of an extra cast of extra-terrestrial characters into the Biblical narrative undoes it completely. Will these aliens be perfect, even as God is perfect? Or will they be as flawed and sinful as we? Will they have their own version of a Redeemer? Or are they unredeemable? Does God love them as He does man? Why didn't He mention them? (Or maybe He does). "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." (Genesis 6:4)For me, the significance of this story isn't whether or not there are UFO's. If something is flying that can't be identified, then that is a UFO. There are lots of things flying that defy identification. Saying "there are UFOs" is hardly the same as believing in intelligent alien life -- UFO's are unidentified until they are identified. Daniel says the political antichrist will be a prince of the revived Roman Empire of the last days. The treaty that eventually resulted in the restoration of the old Roman Empire was the 1948 Benelux Treaty. The Apostle John says that the antichrist will have complete control of a global economy so centralized that he will be able to restrict the ability to buy or sell down to the individual level. The computer age began with the invention of the transistor in 1948. The global economy was born out of the 1948 General Agreement on Tarrifs and Trades that is today the World Trade Organization. The Apostle John says that the False Prophet will head up a global religious system that will have the trappings of Christianity but the doctrine of Satan. The World Council of Churches was created in Amsterdam in 1948. Central to all Bible prophecy is the existence of Israel, whose miraculous restoration in 1948 continues to reverberate throughout the community of nations fully sixty years later. The modern UFO era began with the Air Force's 'Operation Blue Book' in 1948 following an unexplained series of sightings by credible pilots over the Arizona mountains and the alleged crash of a UFO in Roswell in 1947. Now we find the Vatican arguing that perhaps the existence of extra-terrestrial beings from outer space might inhabit these strange sightings from the heavens -- without creating any conflict with Bible theology. And they are right, in a curious sort of way. According to Bible prophecy, among the events that will signal the soon return of Christ are "strange sights in the heavens". They are forecast to come in conjunction with the fear of falling asteroids, weird solar activity, the fear of global warming, the rise of global government, the rise of apostatic Christianity and the coming of a strong delusion. "And when these things BEGIN to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28)Maybe by watching for the False Prophet to arise from Rome, we're looking in the wrong direction. Maybe he lands there. Note: A couple discussions started in the forums over the weekend of strange sightings in the sky. There is no explanations forthcoming as of yet. The Vatican has continued its interest in UFOs since this briefing's first publication on November 11, 2009. Archives of past issues of The Omega Letter Intelligence Digest plus many other Omega Letter member features can be found The Omega Letter is published daily by Jack Kinsella and exists throughsubscriptions and free will contributions. © |
Good morning to you dear brother. I hope this finds you and your family well and safe and happy in the Lord.
Thanks for sending this Omega Letter. It is good! I have never wrote an in-depth study on this subject, but have preached on it numerous times. Of course there is life on the other planets in the solar system. But it is not physical human life! Rather, it is spiritual life. The Bible speaks of it as "principalities, against powers; against the rulers of the darkness of this world [age], against spiritual wickedness in high
[the heavenlies] places," Ephesians 6:12. This makes it clear (to those who want to believe God's Word) that spiritual life does inhabit
the heavens above the earth. They are extremely wicked, being demonic spirits and fallen angels allied with Satan in his vain attempt to overthrow God Almighty. They could be called "extra-terrestrials" or even "aliens," but they sure are not humans or anything like humans. Of
course they are privy to advanced knowledge or technology far beyond what mankind presently possesses. This is why they can fly though
the heavens or even beneath the seas in their UFO's. The inspired Word explicitly states that the angelic hosts were created with far greater
powers and knowledge than mankind. So why should any Bible believer be astounded at their advanced knowledge. The Bible also explicitly
states that "man was created a little lower than the angels." Both of these truths are set forth several times in the Scriptures. Yet the
Scriptures also state and teach that "by the grace of God" mankind has been exalted "far above" the angels and "crowned with glory and
honor," Psalm 8:3-9; Hebrews 2:5-8. We don't see that yet, but we will see it and enter into it at the resurrection and rapture. Praise the Lord!