Dr Tim Keller the Reprobate Pharisee of the Pharisees
John 15:19
“If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.”
King James Version (KJV)
c. 1300, repreven, repruve, reproeven, "accuse, charge as a fault," from Old French reprover "accuse, blame" (12c.), from Late Latin reprobare "disapprove, reject, condemn," from Latin re- "opposite of, reversal of previous condition" (see re-) + probare "prove to be worthy" .
From mid-14c. as "deliver a rebuke, admonish;" late 14c. as "disapprove, condemn, find fault with."
early 14c., rebuken, "to reprimand, reprove directly and pointedly; chide, scold," from Anglo-French rebuker "to repel, beat back," Old French rebuchier, from re- "back" (see re-) + buschier "to strike, chop wood,"
A Catholic Cardinal’s Appreciation of Pastor Tim Keller
Two theological giants—Benedict XVI and Tim Keller—whispering like little children as the end of their journey nears, “Jesus, I love you. . . . Jesus, I want to go home to be with you.”
While the Evangelical community especially mourns his passing, many Catholics do as well. As a Presbyterian pastor who identified as “Evangelical” at his renowned Redeemer Church here in Manhattan, Tim was intrigued by Catholicism, especially by Pope Saint John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI.
In my conversations with him, which I now recall with emotion and gratitude, he was especially eager to discuss what he termed the “restoration of confidence” he detected in John Paul’s twenty-six years as successor of St. Peter, and the “celebration of the wedding of faith and reason” he lauded in the teaching of Benedict XVI.
Colossians 2:8
“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”
King James Version (KJV)
"Perhaps the strongest argument for the view that the author of Genesis 1 did not want to be taken literally is a comparison of the order of creative acts in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. Genesis 1 shows us an order of creation that does not follow a ‘natural order’ at all."
Tim Keller (1950–2023) has gone home to be with the Savior he so faithfully loved, wrote about, and preached. The Gospel Coalition cofounder was a prolific author, and all his sermons at Redeemer Presbyterian Church are now available for free. You can also read about his life in Collin Hansen’s recent Timothy Keller: His Intellectual and Spiritual Formation.
Hip hop artist Lecrae responded to the news of Keller receiving hospice, saying, “True story I’ve only been star struck by Michael Jordan, Jay-Z, and Tim Keller. There are things he’s shared that have changed me forever.”
When racism and cancel culture detoured me, Tim Keller was a consistent voice and for a season in 2017 he was the only non person of color I could listen to. He welcomed me to so much and brought me through so much. A modern day hero of the faith. He pastored with no scandals and will be regarded as a scholar and leader for a generation.
Christian Contemporary Musician CCM artist Steven Curtis Chapman posted a video of himself singing part of his song, “With Hope,” in tribute to Keller. “Today, while so many grieve the loss of this incredibly brilliant teacher and faithful shepherd and pastor,” said Chapman, “please join me in praying for comfort and peace for his wife and family…as Tim is now dancing joyfully with the Jesus he so deeply loved and helped me come to know and love so much better while on this side of the veil.”
"Don’t be afraid to learn from other cultures. Various people have commented that Keller had an affinity for British culture, visiting it many times and citing British Christians in his writings. He cited this affinity as partly because he wanted to explore his denomination’s roots, but also observed that many of the best Christian books available during his seminary years were by British authors.
Different apologetic approaches can work together. Many apologists specialize in one approach— apologists like Lee Strobel use arguments from historical evidence, while apologists like Cornelius Van Till use arguments about presuppositions. Rather than saying one approach matters more than another, Keller uses both in different books, recognizing each has its place.
Influencing culture means going to cultural centers. Os Guinness argued in 1994 that many Christians had limited influence because they didn’t understand they had to move to cultural center hubs instead of consolidating power in rural places. Keller’s work at Redeemer Presbyterian practiced going to the cities at a time when many Christian leaders claimed urban areas were inherently hostile to believers.
Effective apologetics must go beyond ivory towers. A key trait of Keller’s work was that he showed he was well-read yet always found ways to show the practical reasons his ideas mattered. He never condescended to audiences, always finding ways to relate to their needs."
By Michael Gryboski, Mainline Church Editor
The first piece of advice Keller gave in the video was “live on the razor’s edge,” quoting Jeremiah 29:7, “seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile.”
“Engage, but at the same time, be different,” said Keller. “Don’t assimilate and just pick up all the views of the culture; but don’t stay out, keep your skirts clean, denounce everyone.”
The second piece of advice Keller gave was “invest, don’t just consume,” reading from Jeremiah 32, in which Jeremiah bought a field, even though the invasion of the Babylonians and subsequent exile of the Jews was imminent.
“Don’t just come here to consume,” Keller added. “Don’t just come to New York to say, ‘I want to get this on the resume and have an exciting church experience and, you know, go to all the great restaurants.’”
“Invest here. Jesus Christ said, ‘I will build my church.’ He doesn’t just say ‘I will build my church, except in big cities.’ ‘I will build my church.’ So, invest in the church. Invest your time, invest, yes, your money, invest your life.”
The final piece of advice that Keller gave was for people to “forget about your reputation,” quoting Jeremiah 45:5, which reads, “seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not.”
“Don’t worry about your reputation, don’t worry about your credentials,” Keller said. “Don’t make your ministry success your identity, so if things don’t go well you just feel like an utter failure.”
“Don’t make getting a big name in New York City your main thing. Lift up Jesus’ Name. ‘Halloweth be Thy Name.’ Forget yourself, forget your reputation. Do what you can to lift up God’s Name.”
Commentary: What a tragic legacy. A complete hypocrisy from what he said in so many ways. Now he's saying engage but be different and don't assimilate. "Denounce everyone?" What?
All his related articles, books, speeches, podcasts, interviews were all about how the culture must eventually be other than the evangelical white but must be multicultural and assimilated into one society of justice.
What great misguided vain imagination from a carnal mind, philosophy disguised in out of context, inaccurate quoted biblical scripture out of a perverted bible translation. The King James Bible does NOT say what Keller says scripture says. Research this for yourself.
In his article, ‘Deconstructing Defeater Beliefs: Leading the Secular to Christ’, Keller sets out to show the Church the kinds of arguments that should be used to make the gospel appear attractive to a postmodern society.[2] The article is largely based on the ideas of philosopher Alvin Plantinga, who was Professor for Philosophy and Director of the Centre of Philosophy and Religion at the Catholic Notre Dame University from 1982 until 2010. Although Plantinga claims to be a Protestant, he is deeply sympathetic to the Catholic Church. In 1998 he published reflections on John Paul II’s encyclical On Faith and Reason. Plantinga argued that while some Protestants may be in less than enthusiastic agreement with all that the Pope has written, “they will (or should) regard both the Pope and Catholics generally as brothers and sisters in Christ—and as wonderful allies in precisely these areas of responding to contemporary non-Christian philosophy… we do not need to fight each other. We must make common cause with these fellow Christians…”[3]
So Keller’s article is based on the ideas of a philosopher who has spent three decades working in a Catholic University.
Tim Keller's Social Justice - Racial Justice - Black Lives Matter - Social Gospel and the political process of Marxism Cross Cultural Institute
Followers of Jesus Christ must have the Liberal Social Mindset
Note: I do not support any political party. See my extensive studies on this
Why I haven't voted since 1972: Understanding the CFR Council of Foreign Relations
The reason I haven't voted since 1972 (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
The False Gospel of Ecumenism & Dominion Theology (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
The False Gospel of Ecumenism & Dominion Theology (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
Acts 29 Affiliation = The Gospel Coalition Calvinism = Vatican. Ecumenism - Kingdom Dominion Theology
How can we follow the Word of God and remain open to the world - embrace peace and unity and engaged
Christian Anthropology
Online Community is the not the way it must be the gathering under the pastor -
I think the underground church is online and in small family groups.
The sorting is coming. Speak the truth in Love. We must speak our minds. The sorting is coming
Fundamentalists and Liberals 1940
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