Can you Explain the deeper meaning behind "The Cup of Trembling?"

 Can you explain the deeper meaning behind "the cup of trembling" in the Bible in both Zachariah (12) and Jeremiah (25)?

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Randy Sheets

Yes, absolutely. Tragically false teachers since the early 1900’s primarily from the Scofield reference bible have misled people into thinking National Israel is God’s chosen people when in reality it is only TRUE Israel as described in Romans Chapter 9, Zechariah 13:9, Hosea 1:10,11, Isaiah 10:22, 50:1, Jeremiah 11:14, Micah 2:12, Daniel 9:25–27, Matthew 24:15,16 KJB etc which is the Remnant of Jews coming out of the Tribulation to join the Church, The Tribulation Saints and of course the Old Testament Saints. 

Who are the FAKE JEWS of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 Bowing at Our Feet? (

The Church of Laodicea does NOT know The Mystery given to Paul from Jesus (

See the Dutch Natsarim on Zionism and more:

See Expose Darkness 511 The Kosher Pig and more:

The Cup of Trembling in accordance with the context of Zechariah and Jeremiah 25 is how the Antichrist and the nations during the time of Jacob’s trouble aka Daniel’s 70th week aka The Tribulation will be aroused to ultimately destroy the Jews as I list in the scriptures above.

Example: Jesus quotes in Matthew 24:15,16 KJB referring to Daniel 9:27 KJB: When you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place: RUN for the mountains.

In conclusion, it is without doubt that scriptures and the history of the Jews going back to the destruction of the first temple through 70 AD to the Holocaust and today of the continual turmoil and problems of that very small country that these are all The Precursor or the PRELUDE to what is ultimately going to happen.

All based on the stiff-necked JEWS not obeying God and ultimately not recognizing the Messiah JESUS CHRIST.

Yes, Judaizers, Zionists, and Messianic Jews have created another Jesus (



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