The Case Study of the Perfect Christian Nationalist #Zionism #Politics #Judaism #Noahide #antichrist


2 Timothy 2:4

“No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.”

King James Version (KJV)


Background studies:

Striving Lawfully in these PROPHETIC TIMES #Wake Up #EndTimes (

Mike Johnson The Pope of the Evangelical Christian National Movement (

Shepherds for Sale is the Second Net; Dominion Theology #Ecumenism #Zionism #Judaizers #Noahide (

The Noahide Laws Control Free Speech; Expose Darkness #Zionism #Judaizers (

The Shocking Departure from Doctrine by Judaizers #Zionists #Noahide Law agenda (

How we Saints endure suffering in this life (


Thank you for sharing the shared knowledge of members of Body of Christ among those who need it. I am actually seeing how this world getting darker is causing us to see clearer, because we can now clearly see the truth of the scripture: "....if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. " (Isa 8:20)

 Both right and left sides can point perfectly to the problems of the other side, yet neither side acknowledges and repents from THEIR beam in their eye. And so all you have to do, dear saints, if you feel confused, or if you are a new believer, is know both sides are wrong and JUST READ AND STUDY YOUR BIBLE as much as you can.. And ask in prayer for you and your household to be KEPT. Any group who is not teaching the doctrine of Christ is filled with error, even though they seem right about what they say on the surface. 

Just walk that dry and narrow path God made for you, He has spiritually divided the "red sea" (sinful humanity) for us and we can go through on dry ground, He has spiritually split the waters (nations, tribes, tongues, peoples, Rev 17:15) so half of mankind represent the waters to the left and half of mankind represent the waters to the right, and now you must go through BEFORE the waters of mankind come together again in the final unity which is going to deal with the modern day Pharoah and his army.

I received the following comment on my YouTube video above



Dude, I live in NC. We need leaders with morals and values that come from the Lord. If that makes me a "Christian nationalist" so be it! He's only calling for things that all Christians should support anyways.

My response:

Dude, go back and carefully watch the video and read the Blogs which you obviously have not. Do you fully understand the Republican platform does not outlaw abortion and that prayer will not return to schools? It's all window dressing, a scam, you've drunk the Kool Aide.


 @vietrandy1  so let's just sing the new hymn, "rejoice in the evil, cuz it temps the Lord.. rejoice in evil, and lay down your sword. Rejoice in the evil, there's nothing you can do. But rejoice in the evil, and worship the Jews..."

My Response:


Your statement: "rejoice in the evil, cuz it temps (sic) the Lord." 

My response: Do you understand what tempting the Lord means?  Who is rejoicing in evil? One who promotes the political ideology of a platform that gave us a supreme court who upheld roe vs wade, that pushed in the USMCA - NAFTA on steroids, that openly promotes the Noahide movement, that massively supports and funds the Zionist state of Israel with billions of our dollars and the blood of our men and women, that has joined in the ecumenical allegiance with the vatican and kabbalists etc. etc. did you even read one of my background studies? No.   

Your next statement: "rejoice in evil and lay down your sword."  

My response: Did you read my study on the meaning of 2 Timothy 2:4,5? No you did not.  

Your next statement: “Rejoice in evil there’s nothing you can do.” 

 My response: This is the trap of the devil you’ve fallen into.  Here is your homework. Go back and study diligently with a King James bible my study on Striving Lawfully in these turbulent times. Next read my study on Inheriting the Kingdom, understanding Revelation 1:9 and the Kingdom Parables. These blog links are in the Blog in the Video description box that I told you to read.  After studying these, please email me a 150 word essay on how the enemy deceives the Christian in striving unlawfully with entanglement in the affairs of this world by deceiving us into thinking we must be OF this world.  Let’s go over the essay and discuss.  

Your statement: “let’s worship the Jews.”

My response:  The Jews of Zionist Israel named a town after Trump and call him king cyrus.  Are you aware of any of this?  My response: Now I know without a doubt you have not read a word of my study and have not watched all the video other than perhaps a few minutes. The problem with youth today including the millennials is you love your tic toc and youtube shorts and do not read or study.   I will not be taking any more of your comments from here. I want you to send in that homework assignment and we can take it from here.  I also should very much like to use your commentary as a perfect  CASE STUDY of what drinking the political kool aide looks like. 

His final response which seals the deal proving the perfect case study of Christians Nationalism aka Dominion Theology aka Kingdom Building the Kingdom of the AC:

@vietrandy1 bruh, I'm 54. Next, calm down. Next, I get that the Lord is in control. I get that it's pointless to be caught up in political WWE fake and ghey rigged processes. I get that our relationship with the Lord and turning away from the world is of most importance. 

What I don't get, is that when you have someone come around that speaks truth/God's law, to the systemic evil.. someone who has not (that I'm aware) kissed the wall with a tiny hat on.. why would you call that "Christian nationalism" and say it's a threat to God wanting to destroy this country!!!? Are you really sure God wants to destroy this country!? I'm not. That attitude is what they want!! "It's over.. every Republic has an expiration date.. we need a reset.. we need a revolution.. our American Way is lost forever.." what do you think THEY are planning on!? They are planning on you being so tired and mentally drained, with adrenal burn out.. that you will enter into the beast system like a beaten animal. They are planning on killing off ANYONE that speaks out against them ESPECIALLY Jesus lovers.. and they are planning on having NO ONE left on Earth worth God's grace.. so that there is NOTHING for Jesus to return for and the throne of God will be taken over forever. That's their idea! They aren't planning on losing in the end. They are planning on you expecting Jesus to come and solve all the problems. They are planning on you giving up.

So, when Mark Robinson stands up for Gods law.. I want everyone to know he is supported. What good will I do if I run around telling people to give up? Write me an essay on that


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