The Wicked Child of the Devil Drew Costen at KJV GOSPEL Resources is hard at work


In my years of exposing false teachers, rarely has one been found to be a snake in the grass and so sneaky here hiding within the guise of using the KING JAMES BIBLE - especially as the GOSPEL (good news to the world).

To prove how much the Devil hates the King James Bible please take a few minutes to review these previous studies:

CASE STUDY Another FOOL attempting to refute the KING JAMES BIBLE with Greek

Case Study on How much the Devil HATES the King James Bible

The FINAL AUTHORITY of the King James Bible; Never Bring a Knife to a Theological GunFight;

The Case Study of the JUDAIZER using the HEBREW LANGUAGE AS A TRAP

 To test your King James Bible knowledge,  I ask you to first go to this website:

KJV GOSPEL Resources and open this LINK of this contributor named Drew Costen.

How long did “for ever” last in Bible times? – KJV Gospel Resources

Tell me if you can spot the outrageous heresy, lies, and blasphemous teaching, the perversion he pours out as he attempts to spoil the unlearned and feeble minded by his craft. 

 Of special note please check this link whereby he tells his readers that if they attempt to use scripture to defend their position, they've already lost their argument. 

Drew Costen – KJV Gospel Resources

Okay, I will give this scripture to Drew Costen and let him argue with God:

2 Timothy 3:16

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”

King James Version (KJV)

 To this I can only say God is looking at this FOOL and is Laughing. Knowing Drew's day of Judgment at the GREAT WHITE THRONE is coming soon. 

After you study this please compare your notes with mine and send me an email to discuss at

Forever and Everlasting Exposing the Wicked Child of Satan Drew Costen

Note: This is also in the works of being a separate study. The timing of this article coming to my attention by one of my subscribers while I was working on this article is astounding.

 Focus first on why this wicked author is actually attacking the soteriology of "infernalism" . He is trying to disprove "eternal punishment" by playing on everlasting and forever.

In each example Drew Costen uses as here in the example of Exodus 21:6 KJB he takes this out of out of context.

 In this context this term forever literally means:
"A permanent dedication."

 Focus on the word DEDICATION without end.

 Now there is a very deep background of a type and shadow of the Millennial Reign and Eternal state whereby we know there are good and wicked servants of the parable of the talents in Matthew 25 and looking at Revelation 22:15. HOWEVER, DO NOT GET TOO WRAPPED UP in this because we do not have enough clarification regarding any further meaning in Exodus 21:6 other than the CONTEXT of PERMANENT DEDICATION.

 It is very easy for the devil to lead us down rabbit holes looking for answers that are not given specifically to us in scripture. Remember this study by Cameron Moshfegh:

The study of Scripture for doctrine and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil by Cameron Moshfegh

But focus rather on how this wicked REPROBATE tries to say the REIGN OF JESUS CHRIST is NOT FOREVER. ALWAYS REMEMBER CONTEXT. Also see my study on MELCHIZEDEK = Jesus Christ to help you in your study. It is very strange that you present me with this just while I am currently working on a Blog about Heaven, Paradise, Hell and the Eternal Lake of Fire.

Melchizedek, My Kinsman Redeemer

These Wicked Children of Satan also love to use the Hebrew language shell game of Ghenna to dispute eternal damnation in varying word games from saying hell and the lake of fire are only figurative expressions and or do not mean eternal literal suffering for humans.

Gehenna: This term is derived from the Hebrew "Ge-Hinnom," which refers to the Valley of Hinnom, a place outside ancient Jerusalem where child sacrifices were made to the pagan god Moloch. In the New Testament, Gehenna is used metaphorically to represent a place of final punishment for the wicked. It is often associated with fire and eternal torment.

"Ge-Hinnom" or "Valley of Hinnom." The term "Ge-Hinnom" in Hebrew is listed as Strong's Hebrew #1516 for "ge" (valley) and #2011 for "Hinnom." Combined, they refer to the valley outside Jerusalem associated with the term Gehenna in the New Testament.


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