2 Timothy 2:4
“No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.”
King James Version (KJV)
2 Timothy 2:5
“And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.”
King James Version (KJV)
Independence Baptist Church Pastor Adams
Full Transcript in Notes below.
The Centerpiece to Adams' diatribe* is:
Is the Illegitimate actions of the state of Israel since 1948 and their apartheid* - non-democratic - treatment of the Palestinian people.
a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something:
a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race.
GEO POLITICALLY SPEAKING - Adams' presentation is true from the perspective of a people occupying a land that was already occupied by mostly Arabs classified as Palestinians.
Other Pastors that have partial truth, turning their pulpits into POLITICAL STUMPS.
Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship in Montana is leading a cult to the Antichrist (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
Rebuking Dr. Everett Ramsey - The Nicolaitan - The False Teaching Heretic (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
Pastor* Adams, Thank you for the through political overview, pastor,
* We don't like the term Pastor in the context of 501C3 Brick and Mortar operations called churches run by apostate trained CEOs called pastors. Example this pastor being Baptist makes him a follower of the vain philosophy of man in creeds and tradition and not after Christ... Colossians 2:8 KJB.
See why I don't go to church
Let's talk about Jude 1:11 King James Bible (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
There are two major issues with Adam's assessment:
1. In his GEO POLITICS - he does not give us the other side of the coin, the POGROM* of Israel's neighbors to wipe them off the map as well as the RIVER to the SEA Doctrine.
A pogrom is a mob attack, either approved or condoned by authorities, against the persons and property of a religious, racial, or national minority123. The term is usually applied to attacks on Jews in the Russian Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries1. A pogrom is a form of massacre or persecution23.A. The Current State of Israel is the legal tenant granted by divine intervention to hold our land OUR = True Israel being the Church, The true JEWS (Remnant), The Tribulation Saints, and the Old Testament Saints. This LEGALLY happened in May 1948 by LEGAL UN Decree.
The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations, which recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine at the end of the British Mandate. On 29 November 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted the Plan as Resolution 181
State of Israel proclaimed | May 14, 1948 | HISTORY
On May 14, 1948, in Tel Aviv, Jewish Agency Chairman David Ben-Gurion proclaims the State of Israel, establishing the first Jewish state in 2,000 years. Ben-Gurion became Israel’s first premier.
In the distance, the rumble of guns could be heard from fighting that broke out between Jews and Arabs immediately following the British army withdrawal earlier that day. Egypt launched an air assault against Israel that evening. Despite a blackout in Tel Aviv—and the expected Arab invasion—Jews celebrated the birth of their new nation, especially after word was received that the United States had recognized the Jewish state. At midnight, the State of Israel officially came into being upon termination of the British mandate in Palestine.
Modern Israel has its origins in the Zionism movement, established in the late 19th century by Jews in the Russian Empire who called for the establishment of a territorial Jewish state after enduring persecution. In 1896, Jewish-Austrian journalist Theodor Herzl published an influential political pamphlet called The Jewish State, which argued that the establishment of a Jewish state was the only way of protecting Jews from anti-Semitism. Herzl became the leader of Zionism, convening the first Zionist Congress in Switzerland in 1897. Ottoman-controlled Palestine, the original home of the Jews, was chosen as the most desirable location for a Jewish state, and Herzl unsuccessfully petitioned the Ottoman government for a charter.
After the failed Russian Revolution of 1905, growing numbers of Eastern European and Russian Jews began to immigrate to Palestine, joining the few thousand Jews who had arrived earlier. The Jewish settlers insisted on the use of Hebrew as their spoken language. With the collapse of the Ottoman Empire during World War I, Britain took over Palestine. In 1917, Britain issued the “Balfour Declaration,” which declared its intent to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Although protested by the Arab states, the Balfour Declaration was included in the British mandate over Palestine, which was authorized by the League of Nations in 1922. Because of Arab opposition to the establishment of any Jewish state in Palestine, British rule continued throughout the 1920s and ’30s.
Beginning in 1929, Arabs and Jews openly fought in Palestine, and Britain attempted to limit Jewish immigration as a means of appeasing the Arabs. As a result of the Holocaust in Europe, many Jews illegally entered Palestine during World War II. Jewish groups employed terrorism against British forces in Palestine, which they thought had betrayed the Zionist cause. At the end of World War II, in 1945, the United States took up the Zionist cause. Britain, unable to find a practical solution, referred the problem to the United Nations, which in November 1947 voted to partition Palestine.
The Jews were to possess more than half of Palestine, although they made up less than half of Palestine’s population. The Palestinian Arabs, aided by volunteers from other countries, fought the Zionist forces, but by May 14, 1948, the Jews had secured full control of their U.N.-allocated share of Palestine and also some Arab territory. On May 14, Britain withdrew with the expiration of its mandate, and the State of Israel was proclaimed. The next day, forces from Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq invaded.
The Israelis, though less well equipped, managed to fight off the Arabs and then seize key territory, such as Galilee, the Palestinian coast, and a strip of territory connecting the coastal region to the western section of Jerusalem. In 1949, U.N.-brokered cease-fires left the State of Israel in permanent control of this conquered territory. The departure of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs from Israel during the war left the country with a substantial Jewish majority.
During the third Arab-Israeli conflict—the Six-Day War of 1967—Israel again greatly increased its borders, capturing from Jordan, Egypt, and Syria the Old City of Jerusalem, the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and the Golan Heights. In 1979, Israel and Egypt signed a historic peace agreement in which Israel returned the Sinai in exchange for Egyptian recognition and peace. Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) signed a major peace accord in 1993, which envisioned the gradual implementation of Palestinian self-government in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The Israeli-Palestinian peace process moved slowly, however, and throughout the 21st century, major fighting between Israelis and Palestinians has resumed in Israel and the occupied territories.
‘People don’t seem to want us around’: Jewish woman attends firearms training after rise in antisemitism (msn.com)
2. Of most significance is striving UNLAWFULLY in using his pulpit for politics while negating the SPIRITUAL issues here sticking STRICKLY to the SCRIPT.
Note: In all fairness to Adams, he is absolutely correct about how Israel cares nothing about Jesus Christ or the Bible. And he did bring up an important point about the misleading of Evangelicals stemming (in part what he should have said) the Scofield Bible.
The Terrible Error of the Scofield Bible
By Emma Moore Weston
The Scofield teaching is concerned with a literal Jewish kingdom to last for a millennium. It was first brought into the early church by some Jews who still could not give up the hope taught to them by the scribes and Pharisees. The Bible does not teach it, and the disciples who had been taught it, rejected it after Pentecost. Jesus warned about it in Matthew 16:6-12. Scofield’s work was calculated to promote certain ideas. We must ask ourselves if Jesus ever offered or announced himself as an earthly King or claimed David’s throne? Had he ever in any way suggested he was going to set up an earthly kingdom? He said to Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world, if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews, but now is my kingdom not from hence (John 18:36). They could not prove him guilty before Pilate of any offense against Rome….
In 1890, Scofield started a Bible Correspondence Course which he directed until 1914 when it was taken over by the Moody Bible Institute. Tens of thousands of students scattered over the world were indoctrinated with his dispensational ideas.
Dwight L. Moody was born in Northfield, Massachusetts and in his later years made his home base there. In 1895, Moody’s home church called Scofield to be its pastor.
What he should be teaching:
This all by God's plan who used the LUCIFERON ELITE Rothchild's immense wealth to GATHER Israel back together as a Nation to prepare to bring them into The Time of Jacob's Trouble - Daniel's 70th Week aka The Tribulation. To set His Prophetic Time piece for His purpose to bring TRUE ISRAEL to our PROMISED LAND.
The Shock and AWE of HEBREWS
The Shock and Awe of Paul in the book of Hebrews (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
Doctrine is: Learning The Teaching of the Word of God (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
HAGAR MEETS JESUS in the wilderness at an Oasis Genesis 16:7 KJB and He sends her back to Abraham with the promise he will be the father of princes and be a great nation. Genesis 17:20.
Why after Abraham kicked her out did Jesus send her back?
The ultimate body of Christ is ISRAEL and it is
NOT DNA of a JEW who is
circumcised outwardly but inwardly.
Read Romans 2:28,29 KJB.
28For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is
that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
29But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and
circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not
in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
Genesis 16 KJB.
Come Meet My Kinsman Redeemer
Come Meet my Kinsman Redeemer (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
Melchizedek, My Kinsman Redeemer (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
Behold The Lamb of God. Do you know Him? (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
The Man Christ Jesus (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
The True Israel
The State of Israel is the Tenant over the Land that Belongs to TRUE ISRAEL. (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
Romans 10:1 KJB
Romans 10:1
“Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.”
King James Version (KJV)
Key parts in the transcript:
the anti-christian Dogma that racial Jews are still God's chosen people by birth alone and teaching that they therefore have a god-given right today and a Baptists today along with multiplied millions of Pentecostals and mainstream Evangelical Christians have been duped and deceived by the false doctrines of hyper dispensational Scofield dism taught in the study notes of the scoffield reference Bible been deceived into serving as useful idiots of the Antichrist ttic Judaism and its radically racist Zionist agenda and the fact of the matter is that ttic Judaism with this hatred of biblical Christianity and the message of the Cross as every B is Antichrist as his radical Islam if not more so a week ago on October 28th as Israel launched its ground invasion of Gaza after its intense aerial bombardment campaign Israel's deao prime minister Benjamin Nan yahu made a speech which he declared quote you must remember what amalec has done to you says our Holy Bible Benjamin Netanyahu you must remember what amalec has done to you says our Holy Bible and we do remember and we are fighting our brave troops and combatants are now in Gaza or around Gaza and all other regions in Israel are joining this chain of Jewish Heroes a chain that started 3,000 years ago from Joshua benun Joshua son of none until the heroes of 1948 The Six Day War the 73 October war and all all other Wars in this country our hero troops have one supreme goal to completely defeat the murderous enemy and to guarantee our existence we've always said never again and never again as now soan yahu you must remember what Amal has done to you says our Holy Bible Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't give a rip about our Holy Bible that's right doesn't give a rip about the Bible doesn't give a rip about really Orthodox Judaism man is a Mason and a idolator but he uses the Bible of course to get Christians on his side because he needs America's support this past October 22nd John heggy hosted a very well attended
e hypocrisy is real into the article so again it's not surprising to
hear the warmongering Fox News host blasting all the those who oppose the Israeli Palestinian War as anti anti-semitic pramas haters of Jews while they are pushing for open Warfare with Iran but it's again far more troubling to hear the same garbage being spewed by many warmongering idiot preachers in this land amen like The Fat Cat flaming heretic John haggy and many others like him including many so-called fundamental Baptists who have been deceived and deluded by hyper dispensational Zionism and the multi- gopel heresies of CI scoffield into believing into teaching the anti-christian Dogma that racial Jews are still God's chosen people by birth alone and teaching that they therefore have a god-given right today and a mandate to wipe out the Palestinians and take all the land once promised to Abraham it's huge theological error that's right John heggy going so far as to preach a false satanic Gospel of dual covenantalism that the Jews have a back door into the kingdom without even believing on Jesus also claiming that Jesus never claimed to be the Jews Messiah says heggy and saying we don't need to preach the gospel to the Jews when the fact is as we know that no Christ rejecting Jew has any right today to dare call himself one of God's chosen people right and no such unbelieving Jew will inhabit the future Kingdom that is promised to the true Israel there's no need to turn there but in Matthew 23 we read of the scathing rebuke whereby the Lord Jesus condemned the false religion of the Pharisees Y no less than seven times in that Pastor saying woe unto you scribes and Pharisees another time saying woe unto you ye blind guides and also twice calling them fools and blind I believe that in the same way Jesus would call out John heggy today in his brand of Christian Zionist as fools and blind guides as well the underline Greek word translated fools in that discourse is the word morose Strong's definition for that word morose reads as follows dull or stupid as if shut up that is heedless morally Blockhead Strong's words Blockhead I like I like that I find that word Blockhead in Strong's def to be rather amusing with that bit of insight though for Mr strong I think it's very fair to say that the use of the word moros even as our Lord used it in reference to spiritually blind Pharisees is comparable to our current usage of the term [ __ ] moros [ __ ] or idiot as used synonymously for the word fool in our bacular English which words are commonly used in our society to describe a person who acts foolishly ignoring the obvious consequences are the Folly of his actions according to Wikipedia the phrase used commonly in political jargon as a phrase useful idiot useful idiot defined as a person who acts as a propagandist and a proponent for a cause a political cause the goals of which they're not fully aware of and who is used cynically by the leaders of that political cause and may I say that that definition perfectly describes men like John haggy and all other so-called Christians acting as warmongers for Israel foolishly calling for support of the goals of ttic Jewish Zionism according to the ORD dictionary of euphemisms the phrase useful idiot was used by Vladimir Lenin to refer to American Wall Street bankers and Soviet sympathizers in Western media that he and his communist comrades manipulated into financing and supporting the bolik revolution in 1917 in Russia William Bennett former Secretary of Education under President Reagan once recounted a famous story where lenon referred to such useful idiots after he was asked how will we hang the capitalist we don't have enough rope lenon was reported to have famously replied they will sell it to us on credit as I've stated before the majority of so-called fundamental Baptists today along with multiplied millions of Pentecostals and mainstream Evangelical Christians have been duped and deceived by the false doctrines of hyper dispensational Scofield dism taught in the study notes of the scoffield reference Bible been deceived into serving as useful idiots of the Antichrist ttic Judaism and its radically racist Zionist agenda and the fact of the matter is that ttic Judaism with this hatred of biblical Christianity and the message of the Cross as every B is Antichrist as his radical Islam if not more so a week ago on October 28th as Israel launched its ground invasion of Gaza after its intense aerial bombardment campaign Israel's deao prime minister Benjamin Nan yahu made a speech which he declared quote you must remember what amalec has done to you says our Holy Bible Benjamin Netanyahu you must remember what amalec has done to you says our Holy Bible and we do remember and we are fighting our brave troops and combatants are now in Gaza or around Gaza and all other regions in Israel are joining this chain of Jewish Heroes a chain that started 3,000 years ago from Joshua benun Joshua son of none until the heroes of 1948 The Six Day War the 73 October war and all all other Wars in this country our hero troops have one supreme goal to completely defeat the murderous enemy and to guarantee our existence we've always said never again and never again as now soan yahu you must remember what Amal has done to you says our Holy Bible Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't give a rip about our Holy Bible that's right doesn't give a rip about the Bible doesn't give a rip about really Orthodox Judaism man is a Mason and a idolator but he uses the Bible of course to get Christians on his side because he needs America's support this past October 22nd John heggy hosted a very well attended conference called the unite to honor Israel honoring guests included US senators Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton
representative Tom emmer and the Israeli ambassador to the UN at that conference
all right very good let's open our Bibles this afternoon to Psalm 120 120th Psalm Proverbs 169 says a man's heart deviseth his way but the Lord directeth his steps and true to that proverb which says we make our plans but quite often the Lord moves us in a different direction I am today setting aside until next week the message that I mentioned last time I was planning to bring today because I have a a bit more Urgent Message for today titled Israel versus Palestine anti-semitic versus anti-truth we read in the 120th Psalm beginning in verse one in my distress I Cried unto the Lord and he heard me deliver my soul oh Lord from lying lips and from a deceitful tongue what shall be given unto thee or what shall be done unto thee thou false tongue sharp arrows of the mighty David says will be given to you with calls of juniper and then David says woe is me I sojourn in Meek but I dwell in the tents of kedar my soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace and then David says I am for peace but when I speak they are for war this is one of 15 Psalms refer it to as songs of degrees that are placed together in the Psalms beginning with this Psalm and extending through Psalm 134 the songs of degrees were sung by the Levites and the worshippers with them as they made their way up the steps to the temple in Jerusalem there is no signature on this Psalm but most Scholars do believe it was pened by David in a time of distress when he had to flee from King Saul from his country country and from the house of God being forced to dwell in the wilderness and among wicked men including the Philistines I've preached two messages in the past from this particular Psalm last one of which was in March of last year when rather than agreeing to Vladimir Putin's very logical and Justified demands for the West to deny and NATO membership to Ukraine and to keep Ukraine neutral and to withdraw its missiles from Russia's doorstep and to stop NATO's expansion Eastward instead the geriatric Jesuit Uncle Joe Biden very stupidly pushed the Ukrainian oligarchs and America's puppet vadir zalinski into using the Ukrainian people to serve as America's proxy ponds in waging a very costly War designed to weaken Russia economically and militarily which war has done nothing to further America's interests but instead has done the opposite in addition to draining America's defense resources and trillions now of US Dollars and practically destroying the nation of Ukraine where at least anywhere between 300,000 to 500,000 depending on whose numbers you listen to have died while Millions have fled the country altoe rather than weakening Russia Biden's economic sanctions have hurt Germany the EU and the US far more than they did Russia which has now emerged much stronger both economically and militarily having ramped up its defense Industries it production capabilities and uh being able to sell its oil which it has a lot of at a higher price and now I think with recent events events it's appropriate to return to this Psalm once again as now in the wake of the Savage barbaric and ruthless planned Massacre of Israelis by Hamas on October 7th for which there's no excuse Sean Hannity and the other Talking Heads on Fox News the which is the controlled opposition news outlet that deceitfully sells itself to so-called conservative Christians in order to limit the debate and to tell so-called conservatives what they should be thinking Fox News Talking Heads are in unison demanding war with Iran and constantly criticizing geriatric Joe for slowing down Israel's invasion of Gaza and for not launching him attack of our own against Iran and they are pitching that war agenda as the right and the righteous agenda for conservative duped prot Trump Christians to support well at the same time they are portraying all calls for ceasefire All Pro Palestinian protests and all protests against the equally barbaric and ruthless Devastation of the civilian population of Gaza by Israel as being anti-semitic pro- Hamas and pro-terrorist well the fact is that actually most Palestinians do not support Hamas itself and are not anti-semitic racist per se there's a huge difference may I say between being an anti-semitic racist like Adolf Hitler difference between that and being opposed to the Israeli policy and practice over the past seven decades to uproot the Palestinian population that held that land for centuries to steal their land there's a big difference there I'm not at all surprised these days by the constant one-sided and insane propagandist warmongering coming on of Fox News host like Harris Falkner and Laura Ingram and their guests both of whom Harris fauler in her midday program and Laura Ingram in her new uh prime time slot that she was placed in when Fox fired Tucker Carlson for being TR too truthful both of these women pass themselves off as journalists while they are totally ignoring the facts of history that underly and cause the hatred that now fills Israel and Palestine ignoring the wholly disproportionate Massacre of civilians in Gaza in recent days and long before today even by Israel's air strikes and they're also ignoring and covering up the extreme danger that escalating this war poses to the entire world and especially to this nation and to our families while they have both in recent days been spewing outright lies saying the student groups that are protesting and support of Palestinians on college campuses are heartless Loveless and filled with nothing but hatred labeling all those who oppose this war as anti-semitic Jew haters and supporters of Hamas these are outright lies being spewed by these so-called journalists to fuel the fire and to F at Warfare so again today even more so than when I preached last time time in this Psalm in March of 2022 I believe we can sing every verse of this Psalm along with David who says here in in my distress I Cried unto the Lord and he heard me and he says deliver my soul oh Lord from lying lips and from a deceitful tongue today the lying lips and the deceitful tongues that we should be concerned about are not those of King Saul and doe the Edomite who troubled David at the time he wrote this Psalm but it's the lying lips of those who are today saying if you don't support Israel in this war then you are anti-semitic and pramas we are hearing that very statement being made in many quarters today and it's just as ignorant it's just as empty-headed it's just as stupid as were the claims of those who were shouting if you don't vote for Donald Trump you're voting for Joe Biden which is like saying you have to kill yourself so either swallow the cyanide or jump off the cliff guess what I don't like either one so I didn't vote amen it's not surprising to me to hear this view being promoted by the Fox News rightwing of the globalist Mind Control machine which by the way ultimately serves the same agenda as a left wing of the same machine quite often in fact the the globalist cabal meaning I may I say the Vatican uses the radical leftwing of both its media machine and its political Machinery to preach the truth in order to get the so-called Christian right-wing majority deceived into promoting their devilish agenda and that is exactly may I say how they got support from the right-wing Christian majority in this nation in 1913 to support passage to the Federal Reserve Act which destroyed America's constitutional goldback money system and is now produce the massive inflation and budget deficits that are leading to a total economic collapse in this country and they're doing it again with this issue as the leftwing radicals in Congress are standing up for the free Palestine movement has actually swept the globe right now with massive protest marches we've seen in Paris London Istanbul Berlin and other major cities thousands gathered in Washington DC yesterday chanting Biden Biden you can't hide we charge you with genocide and that even though Biden is reportedly publicly anyway calling for a quote humanitarian pause in Israel's Onslaught against Gaza in which Israel has leveled whole city of blocks and neighborhoods but while Joe Biden of course is calling for a humanitarian pause he's amassing the greatest assembly of Warships in the Mediterranean the Red Sea in the in the Persian Gulf has been assembled since World War II they're doing that for a reason so maybe his humanitarian pause and so they can get all their armaments in position to attack Iran as of yesterday according to Gaza Health authorities Israel's Air Raids aerial bombardment has killed almost 10,000 Palestinians and wounded at least twice that half of which are said to be children of course in response to Joe Biden's call for humanitarian pause Israel said nothing doing no pause no quarter and no mercy for Palestinians living in Gaza there's very good reason may I say very good reason to be very angry at what Hamas did on October 7th inside Israel there's no excuse for what they did but it quickly became just as true that there's also very good reason to be very much opposed to the way Israel is conducting itself in response and of course as usual Fox News says all those involved in the afores said protest are anti-semitic pramas Jew haters guess what that's a lie yeah that is a lie it doesn't surprise me to hear this garbage from Fox News but it's very troubling to me to hear this from braindead morons who dare to call themselves Christian but he get their theology from Fox News rather than from the Bible right a case in point being one such fool who posted a comment to one of our messages recently we've as you all know we've been posting our sermons online ever since I accepted the call of the pastor of this church former Pastor did that too first to Sermon Audio and then to YouTube then we later added channels to the rumble honesty platforms as well but we typically get a lot more listener comments uh posted on YouTube than other platforms while we do encourage open debate on tough theological subjects and we actually appreciate it when dissenting voices who disagree with us Post thoughtful and respectful comments from the Bible to suggest alternate views for discussion because that actually helps us you know to address and to refute error and bad Doctrine however many comments come in from empty-headed individuals of low moral character who seem to only have half a brain who let others do their thinking for them week before last I received an email from Sermon Audio giving me a heads up as they always do about a comment that was posted in my message from 3 weeks ago that was titled us and Israel we want war not peace if you recall that message this comment came from an anonymous individual in the US who identifies himself only as am ban am Berean and I presume that in using that swym he's probably a fundamental Baptist dispensationalist however the man is anything but a Berean the title of his coment was great sermon but the text of his comment read as follows this dude is not a Christian he supports terrorism in Hamas he's anti-semitic and hates Israel such fools who ignore the facts and the truth of the matter do nothing but put their gross ignorance and abject mental poverty on display that's right what this man does not understand because what his source of Truth Fox News is not telling us is that there are many even among right thinking Jews out there even among the Orthodox community that are now and have for many years been opposed to the way Israel's government has treated the Palestinians I mentioned before that at the time of Israel's 1967 Six Day War of aggression which was designed to steal more land it was not a war of Defense it was a war of aggression one of Israel's St generals at the time named mat yahu pelet said as follows to pretend that the Egyptian forces massed on our Frontiers were in position to threaten the existence of Israel constitutes an insult not only to the intelligence of anyone capable of analyzing this sort of situation but above all it was an insult to the zahal which is the Israeli Army General Pelle later became a member of Israel's parliament the knesset and he became an outspoken critic of of the occupation of the occupied territories until he died in 1995 and then his son Miko peled an Israeli Jew who also once served in the IDF as well later took up his father's cause and is now an outspoken critic of Israel's oppression of the Palestinian population and the occupied territories to whom Israel denies the right to vote to participate in its allegedly democratic government which is not Democratic at all no more democratic than uh apartheid South Africa was alleged to be moo pel published a book titled the general son he also has several videos on YouTube that you'll find with a quick search of the name m Pell on YouTube as he continues to speak out on behalf of the Palestinians and against the atrocities committed against them by the Israelis and there are millions more like him Jews and non-jews alike who rightly stand opposed to the way Israel has treated the Palestinians over the past several decades today Israel holds almost all the land that once belonged to Palestinians and what is left is relentlessly being encroached upon by further Jewish settlements which are deemed illegal under UN resolution international law soall Israel we know has erected a wall around Gaza designed to curtail attack from radicalized Palestinians but which also shut up the residence of Gaza in basically an open air prison camp that cuts many off from land and sources of employment and reinforces their status as second class citizens who have no political rights I mentioned before in my sermon series on the controversy of Zion one report from Amnesty International published a few years ago that states as follows at least five categories of mejor violations of inter interntional human rights law and humanitarian law characterize the occupation unlawful killings forc displacement AB abusive detention closure of the Gaza Strip and other unjustified restrictions on movement the development of settlements along with the the accompanying discriminatory policies that disadvantage Palestinians the report continues many of Israel's abusive practices were carried out in the name of security Palestinian armed groups have carried out scores of lethal attacks on civilians and launched thousands of Rocket attacks on Israeli civilian areas also in violation of international law quote whether it's a child imprisoned by a military court or sought unjustifiably or a house demolished for lack of an elusive permit or checkpoints where only settlers are allowed to pass few Palestinians have escaped serious rights abuses during this 50-year occupation says Amnesty International quote Israel today maintains an entrenched system of institutionalized discrimination against Palestinians in the occupied territory repression that extend far beyond any security rationale Israeli authorities have expropriated thousands of Acres of Palestinian land for settlements and they supporting infrastructure discriminatory burdens incl including making it nearly impossible for Palestinians to obtain building permits in East Jerusalem in the 60% of the West Bank under exclusive Israeli control have effectively forced Palestinians to leave their homes or to build at the risk of seeing their unauthorized structures demolished bulldozed for a decades Israeli authorities have demolished homes on the grounds that they lack permits even though the law of occupation prohibits destruction of property except for military necessity Israeli authorities have incarcerated hundreds of thousands of Palestinians since 1967 the majority after trials in military courts which have a near 100% conviction rate in addition on average hundreds every year have been placed in administrative detention based on secret evidence without charge or trial some were detained or imprisoned for engaging a nonviolent activism Israel also jails West Bank and Gaza Palestinian detainees inside Israel creating onerous restrictions on family visits and violating international law requiring that they be held within the occupied territory many detainees including children face harsh conditions and mistreatment end quote this is a treatment Palestinians have been shown over the past 50 years after losing their land in a war of aggression designed to force them out of the land and steal their property the report also stated quote Israeli troops killed well over 2,000 Palestinian civilians in the last three Gaza conflicts 2008 2012 2014 alone many of these attacks amount to violations of international humanitarian law to a failure to take all feasable all feasible precautions to spare civilians some amount to war crimes including the targeting of apparent civilian structures as they're still doing today I am not justifying in any way the actions of Hamas this past October 7th but even a fool has to recognize it is only natural that many Palestinians would feel they have no choice but to resort to violence after the way their land has been stolen and the way they've been treated in this way by this anti-christian government of Israel which has now in the past just few days far exceeded those previous numbers and those atrocities including as Israel has recently admitted targeting a caravan of ambulances that was moving injured Palestinians from One hospital to another a few days ago also targeting inside Gaza the jambala refugee camp in Northern Gaza with another bombing strike killing hundreds of civilians in order to take out one Hamas Commander included a picture the aftermath of that strike in your bulletins today I want to share with you today another article that was written recently a few days ago by American Palestinian scholar named Omar sulan published his past October 19th titled erasing Palestine the article starts as The Siege in bombardment of Gaza continues at full force killing hundreds each day Ming many more and wiping out entire families off off the Civil registry the International Community community is still watching idly by the global conversation on the assault on Gaza is Shifting towards the annexation of yet another part of historic Palestine by Israel with countries around the world rushing not to prevent the Injustice but to ensure Palestinians made into refugees as a result won't end up coming their way today the fear of what comes next is looming larger for Palestinians and the cruelty of the world's apparent indifference to their suffering this time the Noba is being televised and it has aen of finality to it nakba by the way also known as a Palestinian catastrophy was in 1948 displacement of the majority of Palestinian Arabs from their homes and their lands that term is used to describe both the events of 1948 as well as the ongoing occupation of the Palestinian territory West Bank Gaza Strip and the persecution that I just described so the writer here says this time the Noba is being televised it has extension of finality to it he says what is happening in Palestine can no longer be described as genocide or even ethnic cleansing is beyond Mass extermination just total eraser alongside the deranged and morally rotten military campaign to extinguish the lives of innocent Palestinian civilians most of whom are women and children I would that many of whom are Christians beyond that alongside that is the equally if not more Sinister campaign to entirely erase their identity he says open Apple Google or any other digital map type Palestine you won't find it you'll only find Israel if you're lucky you may be directed to a small Patchwork what is called Palestinian territories firmly embedded inside Israel do anyone mistakenly think it is an independent nation state you recall a few weeks ago I brought a map of Palestine in 1940 it was the whole nation then was called Palestine okay of course you'll find nowhere on any map the keyword that precedes Palestinian territories to lay bear the ugly but necessary and harrowing truth occupied occupied Palestinian territories he says every single Palestinian alive today has had either the brutal experience of being rendered stateless or homeless or waking up to the reality that the homeland of their parents is apparently fictional he says I will never forget the experience as a young boy born and raised in Louisiana when my mom had to explained to me why my second grade teacher said Palestine doesn't exist suddenly all the maps Flags pictures culture and even old coins from prior to 1948 that had Palestine written on them were supposedly a lie this even though my father is 5 years older than the state of Israel everything about us is supposedly non-existent it's not just the Palestinian people or the name of the country that's disappearing but the word Palestine itself Palestine is being deliberately more consciousnesses and discourse during war and even in peace the Abraham Accords he writes Trump arranged a supposed Blockbuster deal broker by the United States to normalize relations between Arab states and Israel somehow manages to exclude the main aggrieved party the population of Palestine not mention in those Accords one would assume that the plot of the Palestinians which has supposedly been the single biggest impediment to peace between Arab states in Israel would have made the Palestinian people a a critical if not Central stakeholder in such a Monumental deal yet as far as Abraham Accords are concerned the Palestinians are non-existent now the current genocidal campaign being waged by the occupying state of Israel against Palestinians as being universally and erroneously described as a war between Israel and Hamas it's not just between Israel and Hamas somehow the Palestinian people Palestinian people who have been subjected to Israeli occupation and oppression for 75 years before October 7th no longer matter the Sinister public relations move is deeply problematic for two reasons first it allows a simplistic story of both good and evil where Israel takes on the role of the peaceloving Civilized democracy minding its own business and Hamas is the inexplicably evil and barbaric militia group decorated with all the anti-muslim trimmings and tropes imaginable attacks it out of the blue this despite the fact according to Human Rights Watch Amnesty International and even numerous Israeli human rights organizations Israel is in fact in the paride state in an illegal occupier that's been has implemented the most inhumane open air incarceration system on Earth talk about that almost done second and Far More disturbingly by strategically erasing paltin from The Narrative Israel entirely sidesteps any awkward questions about the attacks of October 7th being linked to its more than 70 years of occupying the Palestinian people the simple truth is that the word Palestine is deeply damaging to Israel's image on the international stage the word Palestine carries with it so much universally recognized victimhood and so many stories of Oppression subjugation and genocide when it is included in the conversation Israel simply cannot dis dispute however desperately it tries to its crimes the moral weight of Palestine is so heavy every time the word is uttered you can hear the deflating H from Israel's PR bubble says no amount of beach resorts and Tech and unicorns can wipe the permanent stain of Palestinian blood off Israel's hands which is why he concludes the only way to get rid of the heavy moral burden of Palestine Israel seems to think is to to literally get rid of Palestine altogether that includes totally erasing it from the map and yet is Israel that stands in front of the United Nations year after year pleading to be protected from the Barbarian Nations that supposedly wish to arase it from the map the r may be hysterical he says but the hypocrisy is real into the article so again it's not surprising to hear the warmongering Fox News host blasting all the those who oppose the Israeli Palestinian War as anti anti-semitic pramas haters of Jews while they are pushing for open Warfare with Iran but it's again far more troubling to hear the same garbage being spewed by many warmongering idiot preachers in this land amen like The Fat Cat flaming heretic John haggy and many others like him including many so-called fundamental Baptists who have been deceived and deluded by hyper dispensational Zionism and the multi- gopel heresies of CI scoffield into believing into teaching the anti-christian Dogma that racial Jews are still God's chosen people by birth alone and teaching that they therefore have a god-given right today and a mandate to wipe out the Palestinians and take all the land once promised to Abraham it's huge theological error that's right John heggy going so far as to preach a false satanic Gospel of dual covenantalism that the Jews have a back door into the kingdom without even believing on Jesus also claiming that Jesus never claimed to be the Jews Messiah says heggy and saying we don't need to preach the gospel to the Jews when the fact is as we know that no Christ rejecting Jew has any right today to dare call himself one of God's chosen people right and no such unbelieving Jew will inhabit the future Kingdom that is promised to the true Israel there's no need to turn there but in Matthew 23 we read of the scathing rebuke whereby the Lord Jesus condemned the false religion of the Pharisees Y no less than seven times in that Pastor saying woe unto you scribes and Pharisees another time saying woe unto you ye blind guides and also twice calling them fools and blind I believe that in the same way Jesus would call out John heggy today in his brand of Christian Zionist as fools and blind guides as well the underline Greek word translated fools in that discourse is the word morose Strong's definition for that word morose reads as follows dull or stupid as if shut up that is heedless morally Blockhead Strong's words Blockhead I like I like that I find that word Blockhead in Strong's def to be rather amusing with that bit of insight though for Mr strong I think it's very fair to say that the use of the word moros even as our Lord used it in reference to spiritually blind Pharisees is comparable to our current usage of the term [ __ ] moros [ __ ] or idiot as used synonymously for the word fool in our bacular English which words are commonly used in our society to describe a person who acts foolishly ignoring the obvious consequences are the Folly of his actions according to Wikipedia the phrase used commonly in political jargon as a phrase useful idiot useful idiot defined as a person who acts as a propagandist and a proponent for a cause a political cause the goals of which they're not fully aware of and who is used cynically by the leaders of that political cause and may I say that that definition perfectly describes men like John haggy and all other so-called Christians acting as warmongers for Israel foolishly calling for support of the goals of ttic Jewish Zionism according to the ORD dictionary of euphemisms the phrase useful idiot was used by Vladimir Lenin to refer to American Wall Street bankers and Soviet sympathizers in Western media that he and his communist comrades manipulated into financing and supporting the bolik revolution in 1917 in Russia William Bennett former Secretary of Education under President Reagan once recounted a famous story where lenon referred to such useful idiots after he was asked how will we hang the capitalist we don't have enough rope lenon was reported to have famously replied they will sell it to us on credit as I've stated before the majority of so-called fundamental Baptists today along with multiplied millions of Pentecostals and mainstream Evangelical Christians have been duped and deceived by the false doctrines of hyper dispensational Scofield dism taught in the study notes of the scoffield reference Bible been deceived into serving as useful idiots of the Antichrist ttic Judaism and its radically racist Zionist agenda and the fact of the matter is that ttic Judaism with this hatred of biblical Christianity and the message of the Cross as every B is Antichrist as his radical Islam if not more so a week ago on October 28th as Israel launched its ground invasion of Gaza after its intense aerial bombardment campaign Israel's deao prime minister Benjamin Nan yahu made a speech which he declared quote you must remember what amalec has done to you says our Holy Bible Benjamin Netanyahu you must remember what amalec has done to you says our Holy Bible and we do remember and we are fighting our brave troops and combatants are now in Gaza or around Gaza and all other regions in Israel are joining this chain of Jewish Heroes a chain that started 3,000 years ago from Joshua benun Joshua son of none until the heroes of 1948 The Six Day War the 73 October war and all all other Wars in this country our hero troops have one supreme goal to completely defeat the murderous enemy and to guarantee our existence we've always said never again and never again as now soan yahu you must remember what Amal has done to you says our Holy Bible Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't give a rip about our Holy Bible that's right doesn't give a rip about the Bible doesn't give a rip about really Orthodox Judaism man is a Mason and a idolator but he uses the Bible of course to get Christians on his side because he needs America's support this past October 22nd John heggy hosted a very well attended conference called the unite to honor Israel honoring guests included US senators Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton representative Tom emmer and the Israeli ambassador to the UN at that conference heggy called on the US to quote knock The Living Daylights out of ton and promis that the Messiah is coming to Jerusalem sadly for hegy though I think the only Messiah he may see come to Jerusalem as a false Messiah that will one day come to confirm that Covenant Daniel 9:27 at that same conference Ted Cruz who like heggy passes himself off as an Evangelical Christian thanked heggy for quote his incredible leadership mobilizing Christians across the world to stand with Israel mobilizing Christians across the world to stand with Israel Cruz declared he'll do everything humanly possible to ensure Israel has US military support for as long as it takes to Prevail in the current War these and many others today like Mr am Berean who posted his foolish comment to our sermon audio message these warmongers today are serving as a useful idiots of antichrist tonic Judaism and as such they're actually though perhaps unwittingly serving the devil rather than serving the lord Jesus even though as Ted crw said he appreciates the way John Ha is mobilizing Christians to be a war bongers for Israel I point out that the devil doesn't need their help things are indeed escalating very rapidly and heating up to a boiling point of global war Jordan and Israel have expelled each other as ambassadors Israel closed all communication Channels with Russia after moscow's move to give access to one of its air bases in Syria to Iran for resupplying Hezbollah while Israel has put all their F-35 ader squadrons on high alert for Missions to Syria into Lebanon it's very likely that Israel will attempt new risky bombings of Iranian and pro Iranian positions in Syria even near Russian military bases Yemen you know South End of Saudi Arabia is at war with Israel there are six I believe American refueling planes circling over Saudi Arabia to refuel Israeli Fighters as they launched an attack on Yemen on Friday Hezbollah leader Hassan nasala gave a speech basically declaring war in Israel as I said earlier right now America and NATO has deployed the largest assembly of Warships that has been deployed since World War II readying its ships in the Eastern Mediterranean the Red Sea in the Persian Gulf which the Navy would not do merely as a defensive measure may I suggest it certainly appears that preparations are underway for an attack on Iran which will by necessity also mean war with Russia as well and possibly China also which appears to one report I saw appears to be preparing for a strike on Taiwan at the same time these things apparently are all coordinated house resolution 599 was passed last week by our house which has all but officially declared war in Iran the Iraqi resistance in Iraq has now pledged to wipe out all American troops remaining in Iraq which by the way Joel scalon said some time ago are just being used as bait to bring the us into a broader War but it all does appear that as stated almost a month ago now the October 7th attack on Israel by Hamas May well have signaled loosing of that second seal of Revelation 6 when peace is to be taken from the earth and Global Warfare reps in this place so then after all that back to Psalm 120 as the psalmist here laments I think we can all today sing every verse right along with David as though we wrote it ourselves verse one in my distress I Cried unto the Lord and he heard me we certainly do have cause today to be distressed even more so than when I preached from this Psalm in March of last year but in our distress also so like David we have the great promise that our prayers will be heard from heaven and they will be answered one way or another in my distress I cried un the Lord and he heard me we have the promise he'll hear us as well deliver my soul oh Lord from lying lips and from a deceitful tongue here again again we are constantly deluded and bombarded with global deception with lies and deception on every side truth has fallen in the street in America's politicians except for maybe a small handful a couple have done as we read in Isaiah 28:15 where the Prophet says they have said we made a covenant with death and with hell are we at agreement when the overflowing Scourge shall pass through it shall not come unto us for we have made lies our refuge and under falsehood have we hid ourselves they think they'll Escape God's judgment because they have hid themselves under these this Refuge of Lies David says deliver my soul oh Lord from lying lips from a deceitful tongue he says in verse three what shall be given unto thee in other words what can your false tongue do to my soul then he says or what shall be done unto thee thou false tongue in other words what punishment will be Meed out to Liars with false tongues and lying lips the answer is in verse four sharp arrows of the mighty with coals of juniper meaning red hot coals from burning Juniper wood that burns hot with a long lasting flame as you read of the Liar's reward in Revelation 218 but the fearful the unbelieving the abominable and murderers and hor mongers I would add warmongers and Sorcerers and idolators and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death David says woe is me that I sojourn in meach that I dwell in tents of kedar as he was out there in the wilderness with the Philistines as here today we are living in a land that is ruled by pagans and War longers David said my soul has long dwelt with him that hateth peace I for peace when I speak there for war so close this message down in application what should we do in response to these things that we see taking place first and foremost we need to remember mentioned first hour that while the world wages its Warfare with guns and bombs our Warfare is spiritual rather than carnal there are several things that we can and should do may I say first of of all we do need to realize that this planet is closer to nuclear war today than it has ever been in history and we need to also understand that these things are leading to events that will finally Usher in the Glorious return of our Lord and this should motivate us all to serve the Lord Jesus every moment of Our Lives for starters number one secondly as we read here in verse one of this Psalm in our distress we know we can cry to the Lord knowing he will hear from Heaven he will answer us whatever comes upon this planet he will be here with us uh to go with us through whatever comes through thick and thin thirdly as David lamented in verse 2 to3 about the deceivers and lying lips and false tongues are feeding him with constant lies like David we must reject The Lies We Must Stand For Truth we must see through the lies of the medium machine and investigate listen to the facts stand for truth we cannot take refuge in the same Refuge of lies that the warmongers of this land are hiding behind and then number four David said here I am for peace we too are supposed to be peacemakers not warmongers we know the Lord Jesus said in Matthew 5:9 blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God Paul also says in in Romans 149 let us therefore follow after the things which make for for peace the things which wherewith one may edify another Hebrews 12:14 Paul says follow peace with all men and Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord and Paul also says in second Timothy 2:22 he says flee also youthful lusts but follow righteousness Faith charity peace with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart we are supposed to be peacemakers instead of warmongers we can't change the the world or the determined course to destruction that it is on but we can determine to limit the Warfare and make peace in our own families and spheres of influence we each need to be for peace as David said he was and he was in fact as it pertained to dealing with Saul and those that Saul brought out with him to hunt him down with which is what David wrote The Psalm about as for being peacemakers also we should also also help those around us make peace with God time May well be short we can and should try to leave unbelievers to Christ to help those around us make peace with God and then also there may be some here who still need to make their own peace with God they come to church but they still don't have the peace and the Assurance of knowing without a shadow of a doubt that they've been born again and and that they have a home reserved for them in heaven they've never come to recognize that to their own sin and that they stand condemned before a holy God who hates their sin enough to condemn them to an eternal hell because of it but who at the same time loved them enough to become a man so that he could die in their place on a Roman cross to redeem them from their sin and to save them from it and yet even after hearing that many multiple times they contined to spurn and reject the Salvation that he offers them they never bow the knee to the Lord Jesus as their Sav avor and their lord to make peace with him and perhaps if they were to die today they would as some preachers say Bust hell wide open for those who have received the Lord Jesus and become saved Paul says in Romans 5:1 therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ for those who have not done so he says three chapters later Romans 86 for to be Carly minded meaning to be unsaved to be unregenerate is death but then he says to be spiritually minded meaning to be born again is life in peace I'd much rather have peace seeing that one day probably soon the entire world will be at War I would add this we're soon going to see I believe as never before soaring inflation skyrocketing gas prices and empty shelves at the store with all the so societal unrest and local Warfare that will come with that there are also steps that we should all take that we've talked about to be prepared for even worse things to come upon us we've talked about those things such as long-term food storage backup water supply heat sources for cooking home