Hosea 1:10
“Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God.”
King James Version (KJV)
1 John 3:1
“Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.”
King James Version (KJV)
(4) Expose Darkness - YouTube
I just have to share this incredible video with you. It is called "Noahide Declaration of faith" from our friends at the Noahide Academy of Israel. It is fascinating and I am sure you will find it astounding to see also, and I will share a few things I noticed after carefully watching it about three times, each time picking up on more:
Some of my observations:
1. I was somewhat surprised that in law 1 they were not required to formally renounce faith in Jesus Christ. This is actually not good at all as it will mean people will not need to formally renounce Him to become a Noahide. As usual things are done far more subtly than most imagine. I would imagine that in the online Noahide classes they will be taught faith in Christ is idolatry, but not before ensnaring them with this oath.
2. Regarding Law 3 "Honour the sanctity of human life", I noticed how the prohibition not to injure, murder, embarrass in public or act with cruelty is specific only toward fellow Noahides and Jews and not to all mankind in general, whereas law 5 regarding theft is more general, speaking of "fellows" ( though that word "fellows" could obviously also potentially exclude those not regarded as "fellows").
(That "embarrass in public" links to the "Lashon Hara" aspect I wrote to you about, which curtails free speech and exposing evil under the guise of not harming others by our words. So while they are not allowed to cause embarrassment to fellow Noahides and Jews, the oath does not include other people. It does not include others either with regard to injury, murder or cruelty. This is really really disturbing to me. I knew it is so in the Talmud that laws against murder and theft only apply to fellow Jews, but to see it so openly in this video makes it very real to me. )
*Note Blog on "Lashon Hara"
3. Promoting a life of marriage and family is a great thing, but in my opinion it is done to create more Noahides. Secular and even Christian western women are encouraged to do the opposite, not to have many children and to rather focus on a career. Many women and men are very lonely and feel isolated with the fabric of society so torn, and these Noahide communities they are setting up is eventually going to start growing spontaneously from the people themselves without too much outside help from the rabbis, and some of the Noahides who are natural leaders will start to self- organize and expand, so that the role of the rabbis will eventually become only to manage the top down control. This thing could potentially spread fast in the western societies, starved for being part of a more healthy and moral community, and disgusted by the immorality and decadence around them. Once more and more children get brought up in this way, it will perpetuate itself, and it will have the usual pyramid top down control structure, only this time the rabbis are openly sitting at the top of the pyramid. The internet is working in the favour of spreading this very well, and once it starts growing at grass roots level I can foresee it become ingrained, and become an important part of the antichrist system to control the masses whilst at the same time being yet another invisible spiritual army working at decimating Christian control.
4. Regarding law 5, why is kidnapping a person placed under the category of theft
of property? I think it may be because in Judaism, slavery is allowed and I have heard it said by some proponents of this world wide Noahide system that slavery is not that bad and ought to be an option for those who get themselves in debt.
Another thing I found really really disturbing, as bad as all this is, is the declaration of faith includes "faith in the Jewish people"
You are not exaggerating when you say they worship national Israel. This is literally putting "The Jewish people" in the place of Christ. The rabbi's quote of Isaiah 42:1
"Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles".
....actually implies that the Jewish people as a collective would be an antichrist who replaces Jesus Christ. (Not that He can be replaced - but this is what they attempt)
One last thing that I noticed is the declaration they sign calling themselves a son or daughter of Noah:
This entire video brought great grief to my heart to see these western women do this, because due to the ministry and sacrifice of Jesus Christ the western peoples became known as sons and daughters of God:
Hos 1:10 Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God.
1Jn 3:1 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
While I know not all believed over these last 2000 years, still, we had this incredible spiritual inheritance, which they do not value and exchange being called "sons of God" for being called "sons of Noah".
I seek to help others who are also called to see and understand and warn about the evil schemes of the enemy, and also, having brethren to share these things with helps me too, to help bear the burden of this knowledge, and so even if only you alone hear the things I share, it is fine. I have warned about what I see and it is off my heart, and I also know it will be of help to you, and therefore to those you minister to, whether you make a blog post or not.
Transcript of the Noahide Academy Video
later you're going to do it
live because I didn't even print it I print so you're going to do it live you'll you'll say you'll fill in the blanks orally and then you're GNA do it live because I didn't PR it okay so I right it's better but you can still read it from your phone okay and you can print it out later and then fill it in okay by email you scan it or you send me a picture and you send it to me okay but then I'll have to go um my phone is not connected to my printer don't worry about it right now okay you'll do it afterwards you'll do it orally okay important okay so we'll start with Fiona okay so today we we're doing the no Declaration of Faith with Fiona located in Scotland in the presence of Rabbi mhha Berenstein ra Sim and myself here the three of us located in Israel to um hear and acknowledge your Declaration of Faith Fiona you can begin with the first page thank you so much by the grace of Hashem Noah Declaration of Faith the verbal acceptance of hashem's unity and kingship almighty God I accept upon myself that which is written in your holy Torah you shall know this day and take unto your heart that Hashem the god of Israel is the one true Master of the Universe in the heavens above and on the other I affirm these three precepts I shall love Hashem my God with all my heart with all my soul and with all my might and I shall live in awe of you Hashem my God and of nothing else and I Shall Serve You and in your name alone shall I vow as it is written fear God study his Torah and keep his Commandments for that is my purpose in 1213 I take upon myself to conduct my life according to the seven Commandments of Torah and the righteous guidance of my faithful teachers the Jewish people founded on the torah's instructions given by Hava to mosha our Rabbi and teacher on Mount Si so I may Merit a share in the resurrection of the dead and get eternal life together with the Jewish people in the world to come the seven Commandments of hasem one I believe and trust the one true true God the god of Israel Hashem Hava I will never worship any Idol or follow any false manmade philosophies or ideologies two I will honor Hashem the god of Israel and praise him I will not blaspheme disrespect or swear falsely in the Holy Name of Hashem three I will honor the sanctity of human life I will not injure murder embarrass in public or act with cruelty towards any of my fellow noahides or Jews the members of Covenant four I will honor my family I will not commit adultery or any sexual transgression and pursue a life of children five I will honor the property of my fellows I will not steal induce into error make F fake measure or kidnap person six I will respect the life of all living creatures and nature I will not be cruel to animals or eat flesh severed from a still living animal seven I will honor these Divine laws pursue Justice and my country's laws I will contribute to reinforce correctness of the legal system and administration of justice y you can now proceed to the second page by the grace of God Almighty my Declaration of faith in Hashem the Jewish people and the Torah of Israel I Fiona Blake Smith daughter of John Walker Blake may his memory be a blessing and an gespi hereby declare my faith in Hashem by the present reading of the Fall following formal declaration according to the guidelines of the rabbis of the noahide Academy of Israel rabbis I hereby declare I accept the truth and relevance of the Tas noahide code of life as revealed by Hashem on Mount Si and given in the Torah to Moses our teacher transmitted to the Jewish Nation with its faithful rabbis and Prophets and undertake to abide by this I accept the Torah of Moses in its written and oral form transmitted by the tases through the tanak the talmud and the code of Torah laws and the recognized authorities of the halaka Torah laws and directors of this day as the authoritative deciders of all matters pertaining to the divine revelation of of the Tas noahide code and its practical application in my mazeltov thank you so much big mazov thank you Rabbi Berenstein do you acknowledge the sincerity of Fiona's Declaration of Faith yes Rabbi Sim do you acknowledge the sincerity of Fiona's Declaration of Faith yes I do Yi so mazov mazov f you'll be able to sign the document okay with uh with completely the and complet it with the name of your father and mother and uh make a picture of it or scan it and send me by email okay mazov mazov welcome to thank you the community of the Servants of Hashem now you are the facto affiliated with the Jewish people by being a full-fledged noahide observant and you have a sharing the world to come thank you so much I really appreciate this wonderful you can wish her ma Yan so of course with this declaration F I will just add that she's already committed that's why I didn't add so much more but she's already committed and engaged to the study at the noad Academy she is uh serious about her service of Hashem and therefore we uh reinforce that and may Hashem bless you with all of the good things amen Yi okay Maran now it's your turn you'll be able also to read the okay may I start yes you may begin um by the grace of Hashem Noah Declaration of Faith verbal acceptance of hashem's unity and kingship almighty God I accept upon myself that which is written in your holy Torah you shall know this day and take unto your heart that Hashem the god of Israel is the one true Master of the Universe in the heavens above and on the earth below there is no other I affirm these three precepts I shall love Hashem my God with all my heart with all my soul and with all my might and I shall live in awe of you Hashem my God and of nothing else and I Shall Serve You and in your name alone shall I vow as it is written fear God study his Torah and keep his Commandments for that is my purpose in this world Ecclesiastes 12113 I take upon myself to conduct my life according to the seven Commandments of Torah and the righteous guidance of my faithful teachers the Jewish people founded on the torah's instruction given by Hava toosi our Rabbi and teacher on Mount Si so I may Merit a share in the resurrection of the dead and get eternal life together with the Jewish people in come the seven Commandments of Hashem one I believe and trust the true one God the god of Israel Hashem Hava I will never worship any Idol or follow any false manmade philosophies or ideologies second I will honor Hashem the god of Israel and praise him I will not Blas fhe disrespect or swear falsely in the Holy Name of Hashem three I will honor the sancity of human life I will not endure murder embarrass in public or act with cruelty towards any of my fell of choose the members of the Holy Covenant I will honor my family I will not commit adultery or any sexual transgression and pursue of a and pursue a life of marriage and children five I will earn the property of my fellows I will not steal and use to Arrow make fake measures or kidnap any person six I will respect the life of all living creatures in nature I will not be Cru to animals or itat flesh sealed from a still living animal seven I will honor this Divine laws preate Justice and my country's laws I will contribute to reinforce correctness of the legal system and the justice my Declaration of by the grace of God Almighty my Declaration of faith in Hashim the Jewish people in the tah of Israel I Maran aabu daughter of Herbert hesler and Helen hler every I declare my faith in Hashim by the present reading of the following formal declaration according to the guidelines of the rabis of the noad Academy of Israel in front of the three rabbis I hereby declare I accept the truth and the revalence of tanah code of life as revealed by Hashem on Mount siai given in the Torah to Moses our teacher transmitted to the Jewish Nation with its faithful rabis and Prophets and undertake aide to abide by this I accept the Torah of Moses in its written and all form transmitted by the chain of authentic Torah SES through the tanak the talmud and the code of Torah laws and the ardized authorities of the Hala Torah laws and directives of this day as the authoritive desides of all matters pertaining to the Divine relation of the Tas no and its practical application in life Rabbi Sim do you acknowledge the sincerity of Marian's Declaration of faith I acknowledge yes Rabbi Berenstein do you acknowledge the sincerity of Marian's Declaration of Faith yes I do so so do I acknowledge the sincerity of your declaration Marian mazov Ma than you are now a committed to a life of Torah and good deeds and to serve Hashem in the best manner as you can and H to fulfill his will in this world in every detail of your life from morning evening and you shall shall Merit a share in the world to come as you shall for sure keep the seven Commandments with dilcy and with a care that it's due uh once you'll sign the Declaration and you f in the names of yours and your parents you shall also scan it and or okay for the uh record so mazov mazov may hasem bless you with good health Joy from your from your girls may we see you in person you and Fiona here in Jerusalem yeah next year in good health ma ma done Yi so from here Maran I I wish you that you H take upon yourself to study at least one course every week at the okay this the the the document that you just declared upon is a contract of a uh Trust of the relationship with Hashem and that relationship is maintained through the study of Torah the value the Jewish of the of the Torah of of the Jewish people is of obviously life and that life is maintained through the study of Torah so this is our life and it's to study Torah so um may you continue to go from strength to strength and to be a source of light and inspiration for those around you your friends and uh we will see you soon bem at the see you this week on Wednesday and bem as you know in November in end of October the classes will resume and uh you are welcome of course to join in okay I can start with any course or is there like one two three that I have to take yes there is a one two three that you should take it's the the course for beginners I'll send you the link after the meeting you start from there and then there's a uh sequence okay on that okay all right yeah thank you also very much dear Rabbi Berenstein and RAB SIM for making giving time to be here welcome and I want to add in a few uh words also myself with a big mle because we're coming right now the par of this week is parim which is regarding again judges shim sh that we have to have to appoint on our gates and because we're talking about shim we're literally forming here again a bait Den a a legal binding bait Den um judicial Jewish Judicial Court they were able to do this through the power of Hashem so we're able to bring this into this world your commitments your dedication and again this is literally from the Torah and also from the tanak and I want to bring a p from ISU what it's referring to the end of towards the end of days quote unquote you can read it for yourself it is ISU I'm going to say in English 42 chapter 42 verse1 if you read Yi so translated goes like this behold my servant I will support him my chosen one whom my soul desires I have placed my spirit upon him he shall bring out Justice to the Nations and now I want to bring out the point when it says about bringing out Justice mishpat which is Justice over here to the Nations what does that mean it has a lot of different connotations what we're doing over here is literally fulfilling this in a in an incredible way in a very positive way because bringing out Justice to the Nations could mean basically uh bringing out um what needs to be done against the Nations that are against Hashem okay that is that is one way of really looking at it the other side of looking at it is that we're bringing out Justice to the nations in the case of making this mishpat making this judgment here this court and doing something completely on the side of the right of committing to Hashem in these very challenging times right now that now is the time that you are making this commitment and strengthening the light literally of Hashem and your commitment to increase this into this world that we so desperately need and for this I really really want to thank thank you RAB Sim ra berstein would you like to add a few words as well just a few words uh Declaration of faith is actually a transforming event this moment represents a very deep commitment to observe the seven no uh laws now this statement has a very deep spiritual effect it uplifts everyone who accept the commitment and raises his soul to a much higher level so this statement is not a onetime act it will have an eternal impact on anyone who accept uh the seven no commandment surely each and every one of you will serve as an example for his environment and for Ken so with all of these good Fiona and Maran bem May um you do you may accomplish all that was said in good health and with joy and gladness of heart bem in a uh in a manner of goodness and kindness so um I will be waiting for your uh email okay to send me the sign declaration and bem will'll further the uh contact through the study and any questions that you may have at any point of okay I just added you Fiona to the to the world no hyp Community uh Marian I think you're part of it already yeah I have not signed yet but I will do it this evening I will make my account this evening okay and then I will add you also to the to the WhatsApp group there's many many other to in the United Kingdom in Germany as well that you'll be able to um uh uh be in contact with okay great thank you yes thank you so much thanks for your time I really appreciate it I certainly feel quite enlightened and uplifted I have been feeling like that ever since I started doing my study so it's quite a life transforming I really appreciate it yeah I also want to thank you because um yeah this is like a great opportunity and um I have not known that there are even people in Germany like already um doing like the courses I didn't know so I hope that maybe some people I'll be day I'll put you in contact with the groups in the UK and Germany all right yeah okay so we'll see you all very soon okay thank you everyone happy
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