The Coming Prophetic Perfect Storm, Churches are oblivious and indifferent

THE PROPHETIC PERFECT STORM = The culmination of storms that come together to form 1 perfect storm.

Pastor JD has a great video below:


  • 15 U.S. religious leaders ask Congress to stop military aid to Israel.  Wow! The leaders signed by leaders of top churches in the U.S.   What?   Removing Israel from the equation which is called "replacement theology" you put the church in the tribulation. This is pivotal in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture truth...   Satan is the accuser of the brethren, the father of lies and author of confusion. 

There is a growing ANTI-ISRAEL sentiment in the church now as in the world.  The church is without excuse and is now exposing her nakedness and will be "unspeakable catastrophic" ...

  • Rumors of war in the middle east now even include Jordan 
  • Muslim brotherhood calls for Jihad to take Jerusalem from Israel (Zech 12; Ps 83, Is 19)
  • Turkey and Syria tensions mount (Is 17; Ez 38)
  • Russia drawn into Turkey/Syria turmoil  (Is 17; Ez 38)
  • Oil prices up (Ez 38)
  • Economic Fantasy World completely unsustainable (Rev 6; 13)
  • UN on brink of becoming world government (Rev 13)
  • Cyber Attacks on  Israel U.S.  (Rev 18; Ez 38)
  • U.S. at risk of Cyber Pearl Harbor  (Rev 13; Ez 38) 
  • Global Internet fee; mouse reading hand, webcam reading forehead,  Mark of beast (Rev 13)
  • IAF - Gaza rocket fire (Ps 83)
  • Turkey condemns UN inertia Syrian conflict (Ez 38/ Is 17)
  • Hezbollah leader to send more drones (Ps 83)
  • Hamas says, "Israel must disappear" (Ps 83) they must be reading Psalms 83... directly... 
  • Syria and Turkey on brink of all out war....  (Is 17; Ez 38)  Is 17 will happen before Ez 38
4 reasons why pastors aren't teaching bible prophecy:  1. They have lack of belief in power of God's word.  2. Lack of knowledge of and lack of sound training in Bible Prophecy.  3. Fear of being lumped in with Prophecy nuts.  4. Many pastors don't teach prophecy, they don't know the times we are living and the close return of Christ.

(Joel Rosenberg Blog)

Pastor JD lays it on the line:


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