#ISON 333 / 666 NEGRA pattern; Watch / Warning / Harbinger
I found the following information on the internet.....
Warning! Don't pay any attention to what they say about Daniel's 70 weeks as they are trying to say that 1967 ( recapturing of Jerusalem ) was the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy (..."to restore and rebuild Jerusalem"...). Not so! This part of Daniel's prophecy (..."to restore and rebuild Jerusalem"...). was NOT fulfilled in1967, but in past history. The rest of the info is interesting though!
666 years ago ( in year 1347 ) comet "Negra" passed by which at the time of the "Black Death" in Europe was raging which killed around 200 million. Then 333 years later comet "Kirch" flys by ( year 1680 ) at the time that the "great plague of Vienna" is taking place. Now 333 years later in2013 Comet ISON has entered our solar system. What will ISON herald for us? Not only this, butNovember 29th, 2013 ( the day after Thanksgiving ) is the 333 day of the year.
1347 ( comet Negra ) + 333 years ( comet Kirch ) = 1680 + 333 years ( comet ISON ) = 2013
333 + 333 = 666 years
I discovered the following below ( Tom ).
From and including: Tuesday, January 1, 2013
To and including: Friday, November 29, 2013
To and including: Friday, November 29, 2013
Result: 333 days
It is 333 days from the start date to the end date, end date includedOr 10 months, 29 days including the end date
Alternative time units
333 days can be converted to one of these units:
- 28,771,200 seconds
- 479,520 minutes
- 7992 hours....divided by 9 ( the number of finality ) = 888....The gematria value for Jesus in the Greek
- 333 days
- 47 weeks (rounded down )
November 29th, 1947 ( United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine ).
The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a plan for the future government of Palestine. The Plan was described as a Plan of Partition with Economic Union which, after the termination of the British Mandate, would lead to the creation of independent Arab and Jewish States and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem. On 29 November 1947, the General Assembly adopted a resolution recommending the adoption and implementation of the Plan as Resolution
Comet Kirch year 1680 + 333 years = 2013 Comet ISON arrives.
November 29, 2013..........11 - 29 - 13
11 + 29 + 13 = 53
333 years + 53 = 386 Yeshua............3 x 8 x 6 = 144
Yeshua / Yod = 10 Shin = 300 Vav = 6 Ayin = 70 / total = 386
Hannukah Bride / Cheth = 8 Nun = 50 Vav = 6 Kaph = 20 Hay = 5 / total = 144
Kislev 28 / Kaph = 20 Sameck = 60 Lamed = 30 Vav = 6 / Kaph = 20 Cheth = 8 / total =144
( December 2, 2013....the 4th day of Hannukah / middle of the 7 candlestick Menorah of Seven Churches ).
I don't know if all of this means anything, but it sure is intriguing to me!
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