The Mustard Seed and the Vatican
Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven
Pastor F. M. Riley
November 12, 2013
“Another parable put He forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven
is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in
his field:
Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but, when it is grown, it
is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the
birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof,” Matthew
The first parable, The Parable of
the Sower, had to do with the sowing of the “seed” of God’s precious
Word, during and following the first coming of Christ. The second parable, The Parable of the Wheat and Tares, had to do with the crop that
resulted from the sowing of the “seed” of the Word, and also revealed that Satan began sowing “tares”
among the “wheat” in order to defeat and nullify the effects of true
Bible believing Christianity. The Lord explicitly stated that “the
tares are the children of the wicked,” 13:38.
Now let’s turn our attention to the third
parable in the series…..
Parable of the Mustard Seed
This is the third parable in the series.
“3” is the Bible number signifying “resurrection
and/or rapture.” That this parable
reveals a resurrection occurring is often overlooked or ignored by most
commentators and Bible students. I will
explain this statement as we study the parable.
But now let’s turn our attention to…..
The symbols…..
Caution…..The “man”
in this parable is not Christ Jesus, and “the field” is not
the world.
The “man” in this parable is the Roman Emperor, Constantine.
The man’s “field” was the Roman Empire.
The “mustard seed” in this parable is not the gospel of
Christ, but rather the odious false teachings from which the false
religious system springs forth and grows.
The crop produced by this “mustard seed” grows up into a “tree”
with many “branches.”
The “tree” is the ancient Babylonian
religious system resurrected in the Roman Empire.
The “birds” are demonic spirits and
fallen angels. Compare 13:4 and
The “branches” are the many divisions
which have come forth from the Roman whore false religious system.
The Exposition…..
Let’s begin by
noticing the exact wording that the Lord used in relating this parable; “a
mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field.” From
this statement we know that the “mustard seed” was already in
existence, and in someone’s possession.
The “man” in this parable “took” the seed from whomever
possessed it, and sowed it in “his field.” Now let’s carefully
review Biblical and secular history to identify the “man” and “the
seed” which he “took” to plant in “his
Our readers should turn back in their Bibles and
carefully study Daniel 4, noticing especially 4:19-23. Notice that the exact same
description of the “tree” in Matthew 13:32 is first
found here in Daniel 4:20-21. Coincidence? Not hardly!
The ancient Babylonian religious system was established in the earth after
the flood by Nimrod, Genesis 10:8-10; 11:1-9. Significantly, every pagan religious
system on earth today can be traced right back to the idolatrous religious
system founded by Nimrod in the city of Babylon after the flood.
But let’s “fast forward” to the time of
Nebuchadnezzar, the ruling autocrat over the city and kingdom of Babylon in the
time of Daniel. As the ruling autocrat
over Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar was also considered to be the “head” or “leader”
of the Babylonian religious system, just as Nimrod had been centuries
previously. Notice that Daniel
explicitly referred to Nebuchadnezzar as “the tree,” Daniel 4:20; 4:22. Daniel
also said that “the tree” was to be “cut down,” 4:23.
While the immediate application of Daniel’s
interpretation most certainly applied to Nebuchadnezzar, the long term
prophetic application was to be fulfilled after Nebuchadnezzar had
passed from the scene. Now go to Daniel
5. In this chapter
Nebuchadnezzar had been dead a number of years and his grandson, Belshazzar,
had become the ruler of Babylon.
It was at this point that secular and Scriptural history reveals that
Cyrus the Mede, surrounded the city of Babylon with his armies. To show his defiance of Cyrus, Belshazzar
shut up the city of Babylon and had a drunken party with his military officers. Belshazzar was so defiant that he took the
sacred vessels that the armies of Babylon had previously taken from the Jewish
Temple and mis-used them by serving liquors in them to his officers.
For those readers who have never seriously studied the prophecies of Daniel,
the ancient city of Babylon had a double wall surrounding the entire city that
was 300 feet high. The massive
gates in the city wall could be closed and barred, so that no one could enter
or leave the city. This appeared to make
the city “invincible” and unconquerable.
When the army of Cyrus then surrounded the city, Belshazzar in his
wicked pride simply shut up the city and threw a drunken party for his
But the Lord God was so incensed by Belshazzar’s wicked pride and the
mis-use of the vessels from the Jewish Temple which had been “sanctified” for
the worship of God, that He caused the handwriting to appear on the wall of
Belshazzar’s palace, pronouncing Belshazzar’s doom, and the doom of the Kingdom
of Babylon. That same night the city of
Babylon was conquered by Cyrus and Belshazzar was put to death, Daniel
But now let’s get the rest of the story…..
Cyrus, for whatever his reason, had a bitter hatred for the Babylonian
religion. Cyrus issued an order to his
soldiers that all of the Babylonian priests were to be immediately put to death
without mercy. Thus, that very night the Babylonian religious system was
destroyed, with one small exception. When the word spread that the
priests were being slaughtered, one of the priests escaped by fleeing in the
night. He fled to the city of Pergamos [at that time a city-state], where the
king of Pergamos gave him “sanctuary” and ultimately re-established and adopted
his pagan religion as the official religion of the kingdom of Pergamos. In other words, a “seed” of the ancient
Babylonian religious system had been preserved and was received into the
possession of the King of Pergamos.
Since only one of the Babylonian priests had escaped, this made
that ancient religion “the least” of all the pagan
religions on the earth, just as “the mustard seed” is “the
least of all seeds.”
The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, in the first century
of Christianity, verified this truth in His letter to the church at Pergamos, Revelation
1:12-17. In verse 13
of this letter the Lord explicitly stated, “I know thy works, and where thou
dwellest, even where Satan’s seat [throne] is: and
thou holdest fast My name, and hast not denied My faith, even in those days
wherein Antipas was My faithful martyr, who was slain among
you, where Satan dwelleth.” Christ
clearly states twice in this Scripture that Satan’s throne and dwelling
place at that time in history was located in the city of Pergamos. Was this just an idle statement? Not hardly!
Then during the latter part of the second century of the Christian era,
one of the Roman Emperors made a trip to the city of Pergamos. While there, he observed how the Babylonian
priests were able to gain total devotion and control over the adherents to their
religion. The Roman Emperor reasoned
that this “religion” was exactly what was needed in Rome to wield together and
control the citizens of the Roman Empire.
Therefore, when he returned to Rome, he took two or three of the
Babylonian priests back to Rome with him and encouraged them to establish their
religion in the city of Rome. If our
readers are paying close attention, this tells us exactly how the “seed”
of the ancient Babylonian religion was transferred from the city of
Babylon to the city of Pergamos, and then later brought to the city of Rome,
Italy. But this is not yet all the
Enter Emperor Constantine. After
Constantine had become the Roman Emperor, in 313 A.D. he
convened a “church council” in the city
of Nicaea. Constantine invited and urged
every head of a “religious” group in the Roman Empire to come to the
council. According to the history of
Eusebius, many “Christian” [?]
pastors went to the council. But not all! Some Christian pastors living
at that time had enough true Godliness and spiritual sense that they refused to
have anything to do with Constantine’s council.
Eusebius, in his history, refers to those pastors who refused to attend
the council as “the pure.” Take note! The history of Eusebius proves
that not all Christian churches came out of, or descended from, the Roman Catholic
religion as the Catholic priests today like to claim. Their claim is simply not so! There have always been true believers who took the inspired Word seriously for what
it actually and literally says, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be
ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing;
and I will receive you, And will be a
Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord
Almighty,” 2 Corinthians 6:17-18.
At that council Constantine
related how that he had been given a “vision” of a great cross in the sky with
words written in the latin language, saying, “By this sign conquer.” Constantine took this to mean that he was
to embrace “Christianity” as the official “religion” of the Roman Empire. At that council Constantine established a Hierarchy,
laying the foundation for what would ultimately develop into the Roman
Universal [Catholic] “Christian” [Sic!] religion. Constantine then gave
government grants out of the Roman treasury to the pastors who were willing to
compromise their “professed” faith in order to be a part of Constantine’s new
Hierarchy. These government grants
enabled the compromising pastors to begin building huge church buildings for
their congregations and exercising “religious” authority, backed by the power
and authority of the Roman Empire, over those pastors and churches who refused
to have anything to do with Constantine’s newly established Hierarchy. The “Dark Ages” had begun, and it lasted for
a 1,000 years until the time of the Protestant Reformation. Prior to this time almost all Christian
churches still met in private homes, in fields, by the river sides, in caves, and
various other places due to their extreme poverty and sacrificial lifestyle. Constantine, at that time, made himself the
official “head” or “papa” of the Roman Catholic [universal] ”Christian” Heirarchy. [Sic!]
Of course, the pagan Babylonian priests in Rome welcomed the opportunity
to add “Christianity” to their paganism [?],
which they did by changing the names of their pagan gods, simply giving their
gods “Christian” names, and kept right
on worshiping the same way they had worshipped since the days of Nimrod. More about this when we study the next
What we see in this parable is how “the mustard seed” of the pagan
Babylonian religious system, which had been almost totally destroyed during the
reign of Cyrus and the Media-Persian Empire, was preserved and resurrected
back to life by Emperor Constantine in the third century of Christianity.
The Lord Himself predicted that this odious “mustard seed” sowed by Constantine in the Roman Empire
would grow into a great monstrosity of a tree with
many “branches,”
to the extent that the “birds of the air” [demons
and fallen angels, 13:4; 13:19] would
and lodge in the branches thereof,” 13:32. We believers
living today can look back at Christian and secular history and see how this
literally came to pass. Today, the world headquarters of all “false religion” [Satan’s throne] is still located in the
Vatican in Rome, Italy. Let this exposition be a warning to every
reader. “Beloved, believe not every
spirit, but try [test] the
spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone
out into the world,” 1 John 4:1.
No reader should take this study as a blanket
condemnation of the Catholic people, for it is not. My heart goes out and my prayers go up to the
Lord God for the poor, deceived Catholic people. The wicked priests know what a “religious”
scam they are running, but they deliberately keep the people deceived and in
heathen darkness. Nevertheless, by the
grace of God, many have been delivered from the clutches of “Jezebel,”
the whore religion of Babylon, Revelation 2:20-23. Look to Christ and live!
Dear readers,
you can trust the inspired Word of God implicitly for your salvation, Romans
10:17; John 14:6; Acts 4:12; 16:30-31. The inspired Word of God will
never fail you or betray you, but you
cannot trust the opinions and theories of even well intentioned “religious” men about the
Word. “…try the spirits…” and “prove
all things,” 1 Thessalonians 5:21. Study
the Word for yourself and accept it at face value for what it actually and
literally says and teaches. Take
Permission is granted to any true
believer or Bible believing Christian ministry to reproduce this study
to share with others, or to quote from it in
context as written.
My heartfelt
thanks to those readers who are supporting this ministry with their gifts and
prayers. It is you folks who make it
possible to keep sending forth the truth of God’s Word to God’s people and to
lost seeking souls. May our gracious
Lord bless your sacrifices a hundred fold.
Please address all comments, questions, and correspondence to: Pastor
F. M. Riley, Last Call Gospel Ministry, 184 County Road 108, Harrisburg,
Missouri 65256, or I can also be reached by sending an email to:
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