THE BANKS CONTROL THIS WORLD, NOT GOVERMENT; Just a Friendly Reminder in case you've forgotten
(NOTE: ANOTHER VERY GOOD READ IS "CURRENCY WARS" By Chinese Economist (American Educated) Song Hongbing
Is There Really A 'Money Trust'? Omega Letter by Jack Kinsella
Note: This Letter from Jack expounds more on the history of the Federal Reverse that Pete Garcia addressed in his column yesterday. J.L. Robb's submission today, "Abraham's Mistake" takes us back to the beginning of the Islamic religion.One of our OL members posted a question regarding the existence of a money trust conspiracy. In essence, the question was if the money trust conspiracy theory was true. The short answer is yes.
The longer answer is still yes, but the actual money trust 'conspiracy' (that's not exactly the right word for it, but it is close) is less malevolent in fact than it is in theory.
Less look first at what it is, and then we'll examine what it isn't.
The rallying cry of the American Revolution was "No Taxation Without Representation." There was more to it than that. Great Britain didn't go to war over a tea tax. Included in Great Britain's financial demands on the colony was control of America's currency of issue.
That was the real prize, and to the colonists, it was the straw that broke the camel's back, one issue among many issues popularized as a 'tea tax revolt' by history.
The Revolutionary War concluded with a treaty between Great Britain and the new United States of America that included the establishment of the 1st Bank of the United States, but owned by the British Crown.
Working behind the scenes, as an advisor to the British Crown was German financier Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Rothschild reputedly once remarked,
"Give me control of a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws."Rothschild financed the British Crown's rental of the Hessian army from Germany, which propelled him to favor in the British Court. Rothschild sought to be the King's banker. Good fortune and planning soon made him the King's bank.
Rothschild, with the help of his five sons who controlled the main banking establishments in Europe, developed most effective and well-known private intelligence networks the world had ever seen.
At that time British bonds were called 'consuls' and they were traded on the floor of the stock exchange. Eldest son Nathan Mayer Rothschild instructed all his workers on the floor to start selling consuls. The made all the other traders believe that the British had lost the war so they started selling frantically.
When the stock bottomed, Nathan Mayer Rothschild discreetly instructed his proxies to buy them all back. When news finally reached London that the British had actually won the war, Nathan Mayer Rothschild owned most of England.
It put the Rothschild family in complete control of the British economy, now the financial center of the world following Napolean's defeat, and forced England to set up a new Bank of England, which Nathan Mayer Rothschild controlled.
Rothschild's sons established banks throughout Europe. Jacob set up de Rothschild Freres (Rothschild Bros) in Paris, other brothers set up banks in Vienna, Hamburg and Nales.
The 19th century is sometimes called the "Rothschild century" and its litany of wars and insurrections were nicknamed the "Rothschild wars" by those who lived through them.
For example, during the war between Britain and France in 1812-16, Mayer financed the British Crown, while Jacob financed Napoleon. Rothschild banking interests, for a time, financed both the Union and the Confederacy during the Civil War.
The Rothschilds found war extremely profitable; before her death, Gutle Schnapper, Mayer Amschel Rothschild's wife reputedly said, "If my sons did not want wars, there would be none."
By the end of this century, a period of time that was known as the, "Age of the Rothschilds," it was estimated that the Rothschild family controlled half the wealth of the world.
The War of 1812 between the US and Great Britain began when the US refused to renew the charter for the First Bank of the United States. It concluded with the establishment of the Second Bank of the United States. The US won the war, but Rothschild won control of the bank.
In 1832, Andrew Jackson campaigned under the slogan, "Jackson and No Bank." In 1833, Jackson removed US deposits from the Second Bank of the United States and puts them in non-Rothschild controlled banks.
The Rothschild Group responded by contracting the money supply, creating a financial depression, prompting Jackson to swear, "You are a den of thieves, vipers, and I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out."
In 1836, Jackson finally succeeded in blocking renewal of the Second Bank of the United States' Charter. Before his death in 1845, Jackson was asked what he believed was his greatest presidential accomplishment. "I killed the bank," he replied.
In 1863, Lincoln broke with the Rothschild bankers and, with the support of the Czar of Russia, began issuing 'greenbacks' to finance the Civil War, infuriating Rothschild, whose banks held most of the pre-war US national debt.
In an 1865 address to the Congress, Lincoln said, "I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me, and the financial institutions in the rear. Of the two, the one in my rear is my greatest foe."
Two months later, he lay dead from an assassin's bullet.
The rest of the American 19th century is a litany of banking panics, financial scandals, money supply shortages and recessions that prompted Jacob Schiff, head of Kuhn, Loeb, and Co, (of the Hamburg Rothschild Banking House) to proclaim;
"Unless we have a Central Bank with adequate control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far reaching money panic in its history."On December 23, 1913, (when the majority of both Houses were at home for Christmas break) the Federal Reserve Act was put before a vote at a skeleton Congress. Its passage provoked Congressman Charles Lindbergh to thunder;
"The Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this Bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalized.......The greatest crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill."The first governor of the Federal Reserve was a recent German immigrant named Paul Warburg. Warburg was a member of the Hamburg branch of the Rothschild Banking House before joining the Hamburg-affiliated American investment group of Kuhn and Loeb.
Warburg took his seat as Governor of the Fed just as World War I broke out in Europe.
The German House of Rothschild loaned money to the Kaiser to finance it. In gratitude, Kaiser Wilhem named Paul's brother, Max Warburg head of German intelligence. Since Warburg was part of the House of Rothschild, he had access to the Rothschild intelligence network.
The British House of Rothschild loaned money to finance the war to the British Crown. The Crown appointed Sir William Wiseman as head of British Intelligence in Washington in World War I. (Sir William Wiseman was a full partner in Warburg, Kuhn and Loeb until his death in 1963).
After the war, Paul Warburg was among the US delegates to the Treaty of Versailles. Present for the German side was brother Max Warburg.
The crippling war reparations levied against Germany were designated to be paid through the Swiss-based Bank of International Settlements, controlled at the time by a third Warburg brother, Felix.
Cozy. Paul Warburg at the helm of the Federal Reserve, his business partner in charge of British intelligence, his brother in charge of the enemy's intelligence services, Rothschild money financing all sides, and another brother in charge of collecting reparations when it was all over.
Who said, in war, nobody wins?
These are some of the historical facts supporting the existence of a Money Trust 'conspiracy'. Now, as to what the Money Trustisn't.
It isn't a Jewish conspiracy. There are a number of Jewish names among the Rothschild financial empire, but that doesn't make it aJewish conspiracy.
One doesn't have to be a Jew to be part of the Rothschild group. Its aims aren't Jewish aims. Its purpose isn't to benefit world-wide Jewry -- its purpose is to benefit the House of Rothschild.
The Rothschild family bonds are not Jewish family bonds, they are Rothschild family bonds. If the Rothschild family history was Irish, nobody would call their banking conspiracy an "Irish conspiracy".
The Mafia is an organized crime organization made up primarily of Italians, but it isn't an "Italian crime conspiracy". It isn't affiliated with Italy. Its aims have nothing to do with Italy, either malevolent or benign. The Italians don't get a 'cut' from New York's organized crime families.
The 'ethnic' part of the conspiracy is the easiest part to explain. One enlists conspirators from among one's closest acquaintances. Historically, ethnic groups had been "ghettoized" according to ethnicity, so the guys from the neighborhood are most likely the same ethnicity.
If you were a European Jew, you mostly knew other European Jews. And if you were a European Jew of the 18th or 19th centuries, you had little chance to know, and even less chance, to meet a Gentile.
It was social, not ethnic or religious differences that dictated the ethnicity of the early House of Rothschild. And it was greed and lust for power that drove it, not some ethnic or religious ethic.
The Money Trust conspiracy is a banking conspiracy. It is no more a "Jewish conspiracy" than the Hollywood film industry is "Jewish".
There are a lot of Jewish names among the top Hollywood film industry, but the goal of the Hollywood film industry is to benefit the Hollywood film industry, not world-wide Jewry. The aim of the Money Trust is to benefit the Money Trust.
The Money Trust benefits when the economy does well, since it owns the economy. Sometimes, it benefits from the economy stalling, so it can lend itself money and collect interest.
When an economy can no longer produce profit, it is allowed to collapse, which brings domestic and political upheaval, which ultimately results in war.
Wars have to be financed, and if both sides are being financed from the same source, that source can selectively control the resources of one side, and then the next, allowing one side to surge, then allow the other, back and forth, until the maximum amount of profit has been squeezed out to finance war materiel whose only purpose is to blow up, forcing the financing of more.
That is how the Money Trust works. Despite its ugliness, the Money Trust ultimately benefits you and therefore, it is allowed to exist.
The big question you are probably asking is, "who is behind the money trust today?" You won't like the short answer.
You are. And I am. And so is everybody who benefits when the economy surges.
And so we all work together, doing our part to keep the economic surge going. As long as the economy is good, there are jobs, our families are fed, our homes are safe, our lives secure.
We invest in the stock market via our 401(k) plans, we try to protect the environment, preserve our resources, and keep the good times rolling.
So does the local bank manager, and his boss, and his boss, ad infinitum, but NOT to benefit the money trust. Nobody is working for the handful of business executives in the handful of boardrooms at the top of the pyramid. We are working for ourselves.
It just so happens to benefit that handful of unknowns insulated by dozens of figureheads who are known, world leaders, top banking officials, etc. That's how the world system works.
It should come as no surprise to those who read and believe Bible prophecy for the last days.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12)We discussed the principle of hiding in plain sight. The best way to hide a conspiracy is among a number of competing conspiracies.
By floating the idea that it is a Jewish conspiracy, the banking conspiracy is effectively cloaked.
The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was the text used to justify the murder of uncounted tens of thousands of Jews in countless pogroms across Russia in the early 20th century.
It was widely circulated as documentary fact throughout Nazi Germany. It is still taken as Gospel by anti-Semites where ever they may gather.
The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" borrowed its plot line from the existing Money Trust, and added the "Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world" twist to it.
Because there is an historical banking family that actually was behind all the events I outlined earlier, there is just enough truth to be plausible.
Making it a Jewish conspiracy makes it dangerous.
Whenever the subject of the money trust comes up, so do the "Protocols". Only the extremists on both sides would care to discuss it further.
And being extremists, they are dismissed as extremists out of hand by the center who wouldn't want to talk about it for fear of being labeled an extremist or an anti-Semite.
So nobody talks much about the Rothschilds, the money trust, the Federal Reserve, etc., for fear of being labeled an extremist or an anti-Semite. The money trust remains hidden in plain sight.
The Money Trust conspiracy exists, but it is hidden among so many different versions that the exact truth is known to only a few. We know what it was. Nobody is exactly sure what it is at the moment.
The Bible tells us what it will be.
According to Bible prophecy, the antichrist seizes control of an existing global economy. It must already exist -- he has only seven years in which to govern.
It must be global -- Revelation 13:17 says he exercises economy power over the whole earth -- and it MUST be already centralized in order for him to seize it.
The Money Trust isn't even a conspiracy, any more. It has gone way beyond that. It is a completed system -- constructed over a period of hundreds of years -- upon which we now depend for our continued existence as we know it.
We rely on it to feed our families. We depend on it to keep them healthy. We feed the world system by our labor, and then plow whatever we can save back into it to feed it some more.
We are enslaved by it on every level, and its power over each of us is both merciless and absolute. We can rail against it, shake our fist, but we can't change it and hope to survive the process.
We can deny it exists. But we still go to work for it, pay taxes to it, and exist within its framework.
You can call it the money trust. Or you can call it, as the Bible does, the world system. Or you can pretend it doesn't exist.
But it is what it is.
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