Joy is doing what we've been called to do and not what others think we should do


I was called to what I'm doing now and what I did this morning and what I will do tomorrow. Sure I made some mistakes and by God's help by faith in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit I will improve in these weak areas... And for now... I have the greatest JOY in what I'm doing because I know I that although I suffer and am alone from time to time and work hard against those who persecute and condemn me.. I am doing what I'm supposed to be doing.... I don't need anyone to tell me different. If they do, I have 2 choices. 1. Listen to them and do as they tell me. 2. Don't listen to them but listen to God.... The greatest joy comes from doing what we're supposed to be doing.

What do I mean, exactly when I say, "doing what we're supposed to be doing?" It is doing what we've been designed to do in the circumstances and environment of what God has engineered in our life namely the people that come and go in our daily routine... Until we first find and know our creator God which can only be done through believing on Jesus Christ and calling on his name as our savior, we only find ourselves pursuing what our soul gives us peace and pleasure; i.e. satisfaction that is only temporary. But when we are saved by Grace of our Lord Jesus and have been called and shown by our LORD through a close relationship of what we're to do for a ministry or mission we are truly satisfied through and through. If you haven't felt true complete satisfaction in what you're doing then you need to search the Lord and ask him to show you and he will.

ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE... THIS IS WHAT I GOT IN MY MORNING DEVOTION FROM MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST BY OSWALD CHAMBERS: JOY comes from seeing the complete fulfillment of the specific purpose for which I was created, not from doing something of my own choosing. The joy our Lord received was doing the will of the Father who sent him. (John 20:21) Have you received a ministry from the Lord? THEN DO IT.

You must be faithful to it. You must consider your life only valuable to pursue his calling to fulfill his mission to what you were called. Knowing that you have done what Jesus has called you to do, think how satisfying to hear him say, "Well done good, and faithful servant (Matt 25:21) We each HAVE A NICHE IN LIFE and spiritually we find it when WE RECEIVE A MINISTRY FROM THE LORD.

To do this we must have close fellowship with JESUS and must know him as more than our personal savior. And we must be willing to experience the full impact of ACTS 9:16........ > "i will show him how many things he must suffer for my name's sake." Do you love me then feed my sheep. (John 21:17) He is not offering us a choice of how we can serve him; he is asking for absolute loyalty to his commission, A FAITHFULNESS TO WHAT WE DISCERN when we are in closest possible fellowship with God. If you have a received a ministry from the Lord Jesus Christ, you will know that the need is not the same as the call. The need is the opportunity to exercise the call. The call is to be faithful to the ministry you received when you were in true fellowship with him. You must be sensitive to what God has called you to do... and this may require leaving other things that may seem important..... " MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST...


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