Kept By the Power of God
kept by the power of God........ that is the only safety....1 Peter 1:5
Where by loss we are ensnared to fall to love ourself through self-pity and by gain we fall ensnared to pride I pray...... "oh keep me dear God by your power because this is my only safety. Through trials, tribulation, testing, temptation, failures, we're kept by the power of God by faith through Jesus Christ our Lord. But what about success, happiness, triumphs, peaceful bliss? Because of PRIDE we also need to be kept by the power of God and even more so in so many ways. Through failure our faith is tested to try us as to whether we'll abandon our Lord. But success is a severe and elusive task master that whispers in our ear and leads us into the snare of loving self. But even more sinister is loving the things of this world more than the things of Christ and knowing him crucified. What is the meaning of "the things of Christ and knowing him crucified?" Simply put, Jesus has shown me that this means: LIVING BY FAITH. The just shall live by faith. (Romans 1:17; Hebrews 10:38; Galatians 3:11; Habakkuk 2:4; Hebrews 11:6) In every action of our lives we move, act, breathe, speak, by faith and not by sight or reason. We do not act from what our eyes see, our ears hear, but by that which is unseen. The unseen is the Spirit of the God, the Holy Spirit that lives in us when we're born again. Immediately we begin to learn through experiences in our life (some good and some bad) that God isn't concerned about the things of this world which we see and touch but he's more concerned about that which is unseen... That which is seen is temporary that which is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18) . To truly know God is to know and walk in faith through Jesus Christ as given by the Holy Spirit. To do this we must live by what the scriptures (the Bible) teaches us and by the living power of the Holy Spirit of God talking to us and showing us. "Teach me oh God the way of your statutes .. give me understanding.." (Psalms 119:33) To receive this is simply to believe (by faith) and say, "I believe .... and then ... I trust.... " Amen
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